
@Mystique_ heyy :D thank you soo much and i know i agree completely i absolutely LOVE finding nemo xD i did change my background now though i kinda felt like my page kinda needed a change every once in a while but still lol and trust me i love randomness it is the best ever cuz it shows that that person truly doesnt give a fuck about what other think of them and i love that :) sorry for my swearing :/ and for the LGBT thing i am straight personally but i believe that if somebody likes somebody else then tey like/love them and i believe like HELL YEAH u go and u love that person no matter what society says or no matter skin color or gender or anything like that cuz love is love and thats all there is to it :D 


@Mystique_ heyy :D thank you soo much and i know i agree completely i absolutely LOVE finding nemo xD i did change my background now though i kinda felt like my page kinda needed a change every once in a while but still lol and trust me i love randomness it is the best ever cuz it shows that that person truly doesnt give a fuck about what other think of them and i love that :) sorry for my swearing :/ and for the LGBT thing i am straight personally but i believe that if somebody likes somebody else then tey like/love them and i believe like HELL YEAH u go and u love that person no matter what society says or no matter skin color or gender or anything like that cuz love is love and thats all there is to it :D 


Black- I want a relationship from you
          Green- I'm falling for you
          Purple- I miss you
          Orange- I really like you
          Pink- I love you�
          Red- I have a crush on you
          Indigo- You're sweet
          Yellow- You're Amazing�
          Rainbow- Your effing perfect�
          Gray- Your beautiful�
          Silver- You're cute
          Blue- I wanna get to know you
          Copy and and see what people say :3


Girl: Slow down. Im scared. 
          Guy: No this is fun. 
          Girl: No its not. Please, it's too scary! 
          Guy: Then tell me you love me.
          Girl: Fine, I love you, but slow down! 
          Guy: Now give me a BIG hug. *Girl hugs him* 
          Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? Its bugging me. 
          (In the paper the next day)
          A motorcycle crashed into a building last night because of break failure. Two people were involved, a male and a female, but only 1 survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the 18 year old boy realized that his breaks had broke, but he didn't want to let his partner know. Instead, he made her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, and let her wear his helmet so that she would live, realizing he would be the one that would die. Now thats true love.