
@Mystique_ heyy :D thank you soo much and i know i agree completely i absolutely LOVE finding nemo xD i did change my background now though i kinda felt like my page kinda needed a change every once in a while but still lol and trust me i love randomness it is the best ever cuz it shows that that person truly doesnt give a fuck about what other think of them and i love that :) sorry for my swearing :/ and for the LGBT thing i am straight personally but i believe that if somebody likes somebody else then tey like/love them and i believe like HELL YEAH u go and u love that person no matter what society says or no matter skin color or gender or anything like that cuz love is love and thats all there is to it :D 


@Mystique_ heyy :D thank you soo much and i know i agree completely i absolutely LOVE finding nemo xD i did change my background now though i kinda felt like my page kinda needed a change every once in a while but still lol and trust me i love randomness it is the best ever cuz it shows that that person truly doesnt give a fuck about what other think of them and i love that :) sorry for my swearing :/ and for the LGBT thing i am straight personally but i believe that if somebody likes somebody else then tey like/love them and i believe like HELL YEAH u go and u love that person no matter what society says or no matter skin color or gender or anything like that cuz love is love and thats all there is to it :D 


Hey there, lovely.
          Sorry for the randomness, but I had to send you a message. :P
          I just can't get over the perfection that is your background. Finding nemo, man, best movie, 
          I also love the quotes that you put up in your 'About Me.' I'm glad to see more people supporting the LGBT community, and sticking up for others.


Black- I want a relationship from you
          Green- I'm falling for you
          Purple- I miss you
          Orange- I really like you
          Pink- I love you�
          Red- I have a crush on you
          Indigo- You're sweet
          Yellow- You're Amazing�
          Rainbow- Your effing perfect�
          Gray- Your beautiful�
          Silver- You're cute
          Blue- I wanna get to know you
          Copy and and see what people say :3