
i won't lie... i forgot to write reccently i've just been too busy to do any writing and as usual i don't have much help or co-writers but i'll try to write starting tomorrow


alright i was going to post this earlier and inform you of some things but i'm tired so i'll keep it simple, i have some formal events starting tomorrow and maybe for the next 2-3 days i also have been unable to open google docs since yesterday, i also had a unexpected powercut during the middle of the day so that also stopped me although i have been plotting for more stories so yeah thats all i wanted to say pretty much


ok so i stopped working on one story because i got another idea then a few more cooking though the chances of them happening anytime soon is low because other than some personal life stuff another tragedy i won't explain has happened, i'll use this time to watch some animes and get everything i can needed but don't expect anything any time soon so the originally planned release of the prologue will be pushed back from next week to maybe 2-3 weeks and as apology i'll write 2 extra chapters for release when i'm back from my self grieving


@Sane_25 Agreed, She's Like my Mother 


@Voidrimuru she too old to care though


@gustofwind45 good enough for me at least 


due to something happening as of recent i have unpublished the majority of my stories for a rewrite completely thats all i have to say as of right now


@gustofwind45 thats for one book as well


@Loreled nothing important it's being resolved hopefully but books won't be back for awhile if you want a estimate then about a month given i actually have motivation and free time


            this is sudden what happened


so something recent has happened some might know some mostly all won't know but this is causing a delay in writing i'm going to take a few days off i'll be back begining of next month hopfully and start writing from there.
          i'm going to make a special chapter in The frost Dragon and which of theatregoing then i'll work on the FNAF story and what if rimuru met velgrynd instead might get a complete rewrite again making it better but i wont release the rewrite till i have it caught up to current other than that im not sure what else.
          thank you for understanding have a great day/night


i genuinely forgot i could send links on wattpad well heres a server that you should join, just follow the rules obviously but it's a good server


ok i got 2 new books that i'm going to be writing and a book series i'll be reading for another fanfiction i don't know when i'll start writing them because i'll have to reread mangas, light novels, visual novels and rewatch animes but i'll start eventually currently i'm starting the plot for one of them in a docs so don't expect anything any time soon i'm going to take it as slow as i can so its good.