just a sad girl who likes to puke her thoughts into words
  • Se ha unidoJuly 10, 2017

Último mensaje
guysjfajfhjsf guysjfajfhjsf Jun 24, 2019 09:41AM
since im on a hiatus pLS I BeG u tO REAd @petichvr  nEW bOok "elenge" cauSe iM a gOoD FriEND :))))))))))
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Historias de whoops
endless - discontinued de guysjfajfhjsf
endless - discontinued
Eleanor ignored the lipstick stains on his shirt, the scent of another girls' perfume and his lack of love fo...
Permanently empty | completed de guysjfajfhjsf
Permanently empty | completed
a one sided love story, where a happy ending is unrealistic. there was a him. And there she was. but he let...
ranking #4 en nothing Ver todos los rankings
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