
Another announcement.
          	I have so many projects that I've started, and not much of a plan for my Romeo and Juliet story. So I will be quitting on that one. I only got three chapters in, but I'm sorry to anyone who this upsets. I'm trying to get better on sticking to projects I start, but I will be quitting on that one.
          	However, I have been making frequent updates to my new Eddie Munson fanfic, and I plan to start another stranger things fanfic soon. Let me know if you have ideas for that one, I need a good place to start for another stranger things story. Whether that's with 001, or Steve, or just the whole gang.
          	And as I said before, slow updates for my Titanic and miraculous fanfics, but they will be finished eventually.
          	Thank you for your understanding!


Another announcement.
          I have so many projects that I've started, and not much of a plan for my Romeo and Juliet story. So I will be quitting on that one. I only got three chapters in, but I'm sorry to anyone who this upsets. I'm trying to get better on sticking to projects I start, but I will be quitting on that one.
          However, I have been making frequent updates to my new Eddie Munson fanfic, and I plan to start another stranger things fanfic soon. Let me know if you have ideas for that one, I need a good place to start for another stranger things story. Whether that's with 001, or Steve, or just the whole gang.
          And as I said before, slow updates for my Titanic and miraculous fanfics, but they will be finished eventually.
          Thank you for your understanding!


Hey lovely people! I hope all of you are doing well this summer, and happy fourth of July! Just a quick announcement for you :)
          I'm really bad at finishing projects that I start, because I get very excited about new ideas. Some of my old ideas have been deleted. I try to keep most of my projects, but some just don't work out. My miraculous and titanic fanfictions will be finished, EVENTUALLY. I won't be quitting on those, but there will be VERY slow updates, as I have a new idea I just can not pass up. As well as my Romeo and Juliet retelling story.
          I'm going to be starting a new fanfiction, for stranger things. I know i'm like 8 years late to all this, but growing up, scary things were a huge NO, and honestly, they still kinda are, and it took my dad 7 years to convince me to watch it. And dang, it's really good, and I'm not risking my sleep over it. I'm halfway through season four (I started the show a week ago, not even kidding) and so yeah. New obsessions, am I right?
          The only issue... is I don't know which character to do it off of...
          Steve, for obvious reasons. We stan the mom and the hair and the bat.
          Eddie, because, well, he's Eddie.
          Jonathan, because personally, I think he's underrated, because he's such a sweetheart (minus the creepy photos in season one, but I guess it worked out for him anyway)
          So... Right now I'm not sure how it's going to work, maybe it will be one with a mix, like a love square (that made more sense in my head), or maybe I'll make like 2-4 different books, some I might end up quitting on, or they might all stay, I don't really know. But expect some stranger things projects coming shortly!
          Let me know your thoughts! <3
          I hope you're as excited as I am, and if you haven't seen stranger things, I highly recommend!


this is so crazy because i was just thinking about rewatching stranger things! you chose the best ones to write about (jonathan is so slept on it’s crazy) but they are all my pookies so i’m excited 
            a love square would be crazy but so interesting to see how it would work out lmao i don’t think i would be able to chose one myself but i’m so excited to read them! and i guess this means i need to start rewatching the show


Hi! I don’t know if you saw my message but I really enjoy your writing! I was wondering if you’re planning on writing any Christmas themed self insert stories since I love your writing style!!
          If you aren’t that’s just fine (: I was just wondering