
It's been a while since I trolled the depths of Wattpad to see how people were doing. Life has been complex - you know you're alive because you are still in pain sort of things. I am still here and am finally starting to feel like me again. My Dad always used to tell me just not to get on tv, but I did. My  grandpa was proud of things that I did - like occupying my university. In 8 days I'll be "disrupting the legislature" again. Really am angry about a number of low and barely legal things our mobster in a premiere's seat and his cronies have done to healthcare, education, services for the poor. It's uncanny how every time we get one of these right wing wackos in power the cities fill up with the homeless and the mentally ill.  It certainly seems to many of us that this has some direct connection to their greed and nepotism. Unfortunately they have a lot of money to blow on making people who don't know better look elsewhere for the source of their woes. Enjoy these last days of summer and try to get arrested for a good cause if you can manage it.


It's been a while since I trolled the depths of Wattpad to see how people were doing. Life has been complex - you know you're alive because you are still in pain sort of things. I am still here and am finally starting to feel like me again. My Dad always used to tell me just not to get on tv, but I did. My  grandpa was proud of things that I did - like occupying my university. In 8 days I'll be "disrupting the legislature" again. Really am angry about a number of low and barely legal things our mobster in a premiere's seat and his cronies have done to healthcare, education, services for the poor. It's uncanny how every time we get one of these right wing wackos in power the cities fill up with the homeless and the mentally ill.  It certainly seems to many of us that this has some direct connection to their greed and nepotism. Unfortunately they have a lot of money to blow on making people who don't know better look elsewhere for the source of their woes. Enjoy these last days of summer and try to get arrested for a good cause if you can manage it.


I love your bio
          I’ve read up on the prophecy and I am a believer as well.
          I was raised with the influence of the creator.
          My father is a medicine man in upper northern Ontario. 
          I just wanted to say hi.


@Whiskeyqueenn Always good to meet another Rainbow Warrior. What nation is yours? I am European descent, although Hungarians often refer to other Europeans as "white people". I'm adopted Mi'kmaq through the Collins clan. One of my teachers is Isaac Day, Serpent River First Nation. I hope to go to his fasting camp some year soon at Rainbow Thunder Mountain. I was given and told to wear the symbol of a Medewiwin Lodge in 1996, but I set it aside for many years because of family responsibilities. I know that if the eighth fire is ever to be lit I need to go back to my learning and bring other's into the circle. Now I know why your stories feel so familiar to me, they contain the tribal characteristics that I grew up with, but didn't recognize until I started hanging out with the Stoney Point people. My one sister-in-laws father's family is Six Nations. It was 10 years before they felt safe enough with me to acknowledge what I knew about their history. A few years she started flying the Six Nations Flag at home. Some day, the world will look to the First Nations of Turtle Island for guidance and survival. I look forward to healing and reconciliation and all First Nations having the respect that they deserve. Thank you for your message.