@Whiskeyqueenn Always good to meet another Rainbow Warrior. What nation is yours? I am European descent, although Hungarians often refer to other Europeans as "white people". I'm adopted Mi'kmaq through the Collins clan. One of my teachers is Isaac Day, Serpent River First Nation. I hope to go to his fasting camp some year soon at Rainbow Thunder Mountain. I was given and told to wear the symbol of a Medewiwin Lodge in 1996, but I set it aside for many years because of family responsibilities. I know that if the eighth fire is ever to be lit I need to go back to my learning and bring other's into the circle. Now I know why your stories feel so familiar to me, they contain the tribal characteristics that I grew up with, but didn't recognize until I started hanging out with the Stoney Point people. My one sister-in-laws father's family is Six Nations. It was 10 years before they felt safe enough with me to acknowledge what I knew about their history. A few years she started flying the Six Nations Flag at home. Some day, the world will look to the First Nations of Turtle Island for guidance and survival. I look forward to healing and reconciliation and all First Nations having the respect that they deserve. Thank you for your message.