
Just posted the final chapter of Poker Face. It has been amazing everyone! Thanks so much for supporting PF!


Hello fellow Wattpadians!
          My friend and I have decided to collaborate on an IM5 fan fiction. It will be two separate stories that will tie in with each other. I plan on working on the first chapter tonight. My friend oohacupcake has already posted the first chapter of her side.Check it out! it's called I am Different( an IM5 fan fiction). So I know most of you are thinking "Who the hell is IM5?" They are a not so well known boy band. You don't necessarily have to know who they are to read the story( at least my half) so I would really appreciate it if you would support my friend's story and mine too once I publish it on Wattpad!


oookay people! I am writing the Epilogue for Poker Face as I type! (Obviously I took a break to type this.)
          Now just because I am writing the Epilogue does not mean I am going to post it anytime soon...I still have tons of chapters to edit and proofread a million times since I have no editor.
          But the point is, the journey has almost come to an end...(That's a sad thought...)
           I just want to say thanks for journeying with me. And I hope you enjoy the rest of the book as I post it!


OK, don't hate me Poker Face fans but I would really appreciate it if some of you actually took the time to comment and tell me what you like/don't like about it. I am starting to write the end and like I said in my A/N I don't want to leave any ends loose so tell me what you want to know/ what you think might happen or what you want to happen. I really do take your feedback into consideration as I write. Thank you to those who have taken the time to comment. I do enjoy reading some of your comments.
          Anyway thanks to all and enjoy your summer!