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SHSUHSUO RANT LOL || TW: sexual themes involving minors
Okay, so fucking 9yr olds (4TH GRADERS BRUH!!!) be talking about sex and shit like wtf & saying stuff about my little sister doing sexual acts on a boy in her class???
My little sister also has some little girl in her class saying that shes is having sex with her best friend (Bc he's a boy!!) Just Bc they're friends doesn't mean they like each other. Also, I have had to correct my little sister for saying nasty shit bc she's learning it from school??
and to add onto this BS some little BOY saying his ass is nonbinary to go into the girl's bathroom! wtf!!??? he has to be 9 or 10 and he's already trying to be a perv! (which isn't okay no matter what the age) and honestly, that's just fucking disgusting that CHILDREN are behaving this way. If yall have little siblings please teach them that this shit isn't okay!