
the Liam tribute at the Brits was literally heartbreaking, can’t stop thinking about him </3


@h4zz4_luv fr I was so sad when I found out he died ㅠㅠ


the fact that my follower count is exactly at 200 calms me for some reason it’s such a perfect number lol


@h4zz4_luv I was going to click follow but then I saw this… 
            thank you so much for the follow <333


@h4zz4_luv hahaha congratulations x


Hello y'all!
          It's been quite a while since I've been on here and apparently I'm back from my hiatus :) 
          anyways I can't believe it's been this long, I feel like so many things have changed since I've been on here, not only my life but also in the fandom <3
          I haven't really addressed Liam's passing on here, so I'm just going to leave a short message rn for him to rest in peace xx I still miss him a lot, obviously, not sure if I could ever not miss him, but it gives me a bit of a reassurance that he's in a better place now <3
          Overall life update is pretty simple, I'm starting school again in a week, which I'm not looking forward to since I crave academic validation but am not skilled enough to reach it,, everything else is normal and bland but I’m doing rlly well ! 
          I don't know how many people are actually going to read this, but if you are reading this rn, I appreciate you <3 and if you actually remember me, omg I'm honored I don't deserve your love ToT
          Hope you guys have a good day / night xx 
          ( gonna be here soon enough with a new fic btw ! )


Ello it’s been awhile !!


@Kocho_Sakura awww I'm doing good too, excited for the new school year! <3


            hello omg it has been, hru doin? <3