'The Troublesome Kids' is a beautiful and adventurous story of two cute little sisters and their friends and family. My cute angel wife is writing this story.❤️ Check that story and give your votes if you have time.
oh my Allah. what an evil `joke`. I cant even call it a joke mean, its sick. I hope the person would really really regret it and apologise. Its too annoying cuz its work we all work hard on and work hard on to try it to become succesfull. I hope it will be alright, dont forget that Allah has a reason to everything. meaan I was enjoying that book :0 Vesselam sis! Keep going, no matter what. Haters gonna hate.
:o Did you find out who did it? That's so sad. :( You might have a virus on your computer... I feel so sorry for you! Hopefully In Shaa Allah you'll write more amazing stories. :)