OK! If any of you have looked at my profile lately, well in the last few minutes, you would have noticed that I only have two books again. I have decided to unpublish Strength of Alliance. I didn't delete it! I only unpublished it. I will be continuing it in a little while but I didn't want anyone to look at it all the time by chance and see that I still haven't updated it. I promise that I'll have it back up soon but I just want to focus on two right now so I decided to keep up with my more popular one and my newest one sooooo i'm sorry to disapoint those of you who were really looking forward to reading more of that one but I need a break and I'm having slight writer's block when it comes to that story. Sorry to those of you but it's my choice sooooooo. If I get any messages or anything like that to bring it back, I'll put it into consideration but as of right now, it's pretty much on hold. Sorry again! As always though, VOTE!!! COMMENT!!! LIKE!!! SHARE!!! FOLLOW!!! Peace out peoples! -hLIZZY