Heyyyyyy!! It has been a while since I've been on. So sorry about that and I'm sorry for those of you who have been waiting for an update. I have been having some major friend issues and that and school and track have been taking up all my time these days and nights. I am working on new chapters for both of my teen fictions, but they could easily be another week.
Hey everyone! If we can get my poems read 130 times I'll write two more! And I'm having a little trouble writing "Highway" so if any of you have any ideas please message me or comment on this post! All ideas are considered!
Hey everyone! I haven't been on in a while but I wrote this poem on paper a while back and decided to post it. It's a new part in my book "poems I've written". Please check it out!!
Please read my new story "Hello/Goodbye"!! I only have three parts but I'm constantly working on it so look for the updates!! School is a little crazy right now so the updates may be a little slow but still please check it out!
I'm thinking of deleting wattpad because there isn't a way to put myself on private or something so not everyone can follow me. If there is a way, please let me know. Also, I just feel like i could be doing more with my time I spend in wattpad.
@h_g_panda Nobody can see your personal stuff if that's what you're worried about and i love spending my time on wattpad tbh. if it makes you happy then just do it