
Okayyyy I've been gone for a while I know. I'm sorry about that. But trust me I've been trying to get back into my account for the past months and it finally let me back in. But now IM BACK


Okayyyy I've been gone for a while I know. I'm sorry about that. But trust me I've been trying to get back into my account for the past months and it finally let me back in. But now IM BACK


Just a little update on me. I'm doing great! Not. I currently have my phone taken away for having snapchat when I wasn't supposed to (such a great role model). I've cried at least 7 times this past week. And I am soooooooo stressed out bc of school. Oh yeah and I'm currently crying while typing this bc of how crappy my parents make me feel. So yeah....... Sorry if I don't respond to pms, posts, and comments bc I'm using a tablet to check up on things. But I love you guys and sorry for being offline so much.


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Ok who is now obsessed with Hazbin Hotel. Like I just discovered it a few days ago and now its my shit. But sadly there's only 1 episode.....


@-bxrds- You'll understand if you watch it....BUT you refuse to


@writer-4-life sis you’re ridiculously in love with this show


I just love life. Cause the second everything becomes great and I'm actually happy for once, life is just like "oh no we can't have that." And makes me even more depressed than I was before. 
          I really hope life treats you better than it does to me. :/ </3


@writer-4-life I get what you mean though