
New part up in Whatshername ... hope you all enjoy!


Hey. I really like your story! :D I just wanted to tell you. Haha. And ps. Im really into the student teacher stories. And a really good one I read was 'A Proscriptive Relationship' by XxSkater2Girl16xX. And I swear, I never ever leave messages telling people to read stories but really, her story is awesome! I noticed it wasn't in your library so I didn't know if you've read it or not. I just wanted to tell you because all of the stories in your library are about student/teacher relationships. So yeah. Haha. And I'm sorry for doing this. She didn't even ask me to do this. I just wanted to share with someone who likes similar stories that I do. :) Again, I like your story and I can't wait until you update again. Thanks. :)