
*Don't be fooled by temptation*
          	Imām Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله) said in the book al-Fawā'id (1/191):  
          	_❝Everyone of understanding must know that ash-shaytān (the devil) does not have a way against man except from three angles:_
          	*First:-  he encourages extravagance and increase beyond what one needs. This increase is the way in which ash-shaytān enters the heart. In order to protect one’s self, one must be careful not to fulfill all that the soul desires of food, sleep, pleasure, or rest. Whenever you close this door, you will be safe from any enemy.*
          	_Second:- he encourages negligence. Whoever remembers Allāh is protected by the fortress of His remembrance. When he neglects His remembrance, then he has opened the door of this fortress and the enemy will enter, making it difficult for him to be driven out._
          	*Third :- he encourages him to become involved in all matters of life that are not his concern.❞*


Assalamualaikum, hey!
          A Mazed Heart contains a mysterious plot, thrilling tale and a lot of suspense to indulge in. 
          If you love the Mystery/Thriller genre, then check out this book.
          It's also a spiritual book focusing mainly on spirituality from varied dimensions. Check out this book if you are intrigued by this genre.
          Don't forget to leave your thoughts ❤️


*Don't be fooled by temptation*
          Imām Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله) said in the book al-Fawā'id (1/191):  
          _❝Everyone of understanding must know that ash-shaytān (the devil) does not have a way against man except from three angles:_
          *First:-  he encourages extravagance and increase beyond what one needs. This increase is the way in which ash-shaytān enters the heart. In order to protect one’s self, one must be careful not to fulfill all that the soul desires of food, sleep, pleasure, or rest. Whenever you close this door, you will be safe from any enemy.*
          _Second:- he encourages negligence. Whoever remembers Allāh is protected by the fortress of His remembrance. When he neglects His remembrance, then he has opened the door of this fortress and the enemy will enter, making it difficult for him to be driven out._
          *Third :- he encourages him to become involved in all matters of life that are not his concern.❞*


*Ya Rabb…..!*
          By Asma bint Shameem
          I hope for your Mercy, Ya Rabb, while the whole world is asleep.
          I knock on Your door, so humbly, my eyes thus weep.
          Hands raised high…..head bowed so low….. before You I kneel,
          I open my heart to you, I bewail my sorrows…..all what I feel.
          O, Knower of my troubles, Knower of my woes and fears,
          In great distress and grief I cry…..I let flow my tears.
          O Dispeller of my anguish, O Reliever of my pain,
          You are the One I turn to….. to You only, I complain.
          With emotions so raging, and soul so aching, my heart cries,
          I am hoping, Ya Rabbi, my prayers will pierce the highest skies.
          It’s indeed Your Infinite Bounty, Your Mercy that sustains all.
          And indeed Your Forgiveness that restores all those who fall.
          Only to You I stretch forth my hands, begging you… I plea;
          If you won’t turn to me, where else can this wretched soul flee.
          You alone can allay my pain, only You can relieve my distress.
          You are ar-Rahmaan, ar-Raheem, take me out of this mess.
          Send Mercy on me…. Suffering and agony is hard to bear;
          Forgive me my sins and all the disobedience that I did dare.
          Rescue me from this, Ya Rabbi, You are the Redeemer.
          Save me from such tribulations…..You are my Savior.
          Grant me patience to bear, in these times of trials and tribulance;
          Let me be thankful to You….give me persistence and endurance.
          For I know, the Prophet said, “In times of trouble, if I bear patiently,
          ……You will forgive me my mistakes and reward me certainly.”
          So guide me always…..keep me strong and steadfast on this Deen.
          Don’t let me go astray, even in most difficult times one’s ever seen.
          You are my Wakeel…..to You I turn over all my affairs.
          All my hopes and wishes, Ya Maula….I entrust to Your Care.
          You are my Refuge, You are my comfort… You are the Only One.
          Indeed to you I belong and to You, surely, is my return.


@habeebti  This is so beautiful. Mashaa Allah 


Aameen❤️❤️ Masha Allah.. beautifully written 


          Al-Silsila-tus-Sahiha Hadees # 3304
          عن أبي أمامۃ مرفوعا: ما من عبد یصرع صرعۃ من مرض إلا بعثہ اﷲ منھا طاھرًا۔
          ابو امامہ رضی اﷲ عنہ سے مرفوعا مروی ہے کہ: اگر کوئی( مومن) بندہ کسی مرض میں مر جاتا (پچھاڑ دیا جاتا)ہے تو اﷲ تعالیٰ اسے اس سے گناہوں سے پاک کرکے اٹھائے گا۔
          Sahih Hadees
          Al-Silsila-tus-Sahiha Hadees # 3668
          عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَة ‌رضی ‌اللہ ‌عنہ ‌ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُوْلُ اللهِ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم : لَيَتَمَنَّيَنَّ أقوامٌ لَّوْ أَكْثَرُوا مِنَ السَّيِّئاتِ. قَالُوا: بِمَ يَا رَسُوْلَ اللهِ؟ قَالَ: الذِينَ بَدَّلَ اللهُ سَيِّئاتِهم حَسَناَتٍ
          ابو ہریرہ‌رضی اللہ عنہ سے مروی ہے كہ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا: كچھ قومیں خواہش كریں گی كہ كاش وہ بہت زیادہ برے عمل كرتے۔ صحابہ نے پوچھا: اے اللہ كے رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ! كس وجہ سے ؟ آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ‌نے فرمایا: وہ لوگ جن كی برائیاں اللہ تعالیٰ نیكیوں میں بدل دے گا۔
          Sahih Hadees


After having the amazing experience of praying the eclipse prayer in the haram, I took a few of the brothers from our #BlessedVoyageUmrah group with me to sit in the class of Sh Abdullah AlShinqeeti, May Allah preserve him, one of the scholars of medinah, a master of tafsir and usul (principles of Islamic law). In his class, he mentioned in passing that the root causes of entering hellfire are four, and the root causes of entering paradise are four, I waited for him to clarify, but he didn’t and went on to a different topic lol. 
          During the Q&A I asked him to clarify what he meant by the roots being four and he said, “they don’t need clarification!” 
          He held up his fingers to count and said, “ read from, ما سلككم في سقر" 
          “What causes you to be in Saqar (the hellfire)?
          I said, 
          “We were not of those who prayed” 
          He said, “that’s one” 
          I said “and we did not feed the poor” 
          He said, “that’s two..” 
          “And we use to indulge with those who indulged” 
          “That’s three” 
          “And we used to belie the day of Resurrection” 
          He said, now for the roots of entering Jannah, “read from قد افلح المؤمنون"
          I read “the believers are successful”
          He said, “that’s one” 
          “They who are mindful in their prayers 
          “That’s two” 
          “And those who avoid vain talk” 
          “That’s three” 
          “And those who pay their zakah” 
          Then he said, 
          And notice the verse “And they pay their zakah” is in contrast to “and we did not feed the poor” 
          And “and those who avoid vain talk” is in contrast to “and we used to indulge with those who indulge” 
          And “and those who are mindful in their prayers” is in contrast to “we were not of those who prayed” 
          And “The believer have succeeded” is in contrast to i“we used to belie the day of resurrection” 
          He then smiled and said, “the Quran is filled with treasures, we just have to dive for them!”


Subhan Allah❤️ JazakAllah khair for sharing 


May we be among those who benefit from it.


@habeebti SubhanAllah dear. JazakAllah for sharing this gem :)


السلام علیکم ورحمة الله وبركاته
          يا اخوات....
          A surprise in store for the BTH readers!! 
          Those who haven't read it yet... Would you u mind checking it out... N... Lemme know your views on it! 
          مع السلامة ☺️ ☺️ 


السلام علیکم و رحمة الله و بركاته. 
          Just a few more days to go
          And then u wont find it anywhere
          So hasten towards righteousness
          And increase in istighfaar.
          For Destruction is to him who found the blessed month of Ramdhan and let it pass by without gaining forgiveness. ”
          Working upon the hadith 'every good deed is multiplied in reward by ten times up to seven hundred times' let us increase our ibaadaats. When we think of spending our time in Ibaadah we feel that our house chores are an obstacle which minimize our time to do the Ibaadah such as offering nawafil, reciting the Quran etc. But we need to remember that these are not only the ibaadaats and that every time we spend in cleaning our homes and kitchens, in cooking food for our family, taking care of our kids we need to convert it into ibaadaats just with a change in intentions. Let all our actions have the Intentions to please Allah alone and we will find ourselves busy in ibaadaats all day long. Let our tongues be moist with the remembrance of Allah whilst we are in our works and we will find ourselves Content. 
          A Reminder for you and me.   
          O Allah make us among the mukhliseen! For Indeed they are the ones whom the shaytaan won't be able to lead astray. 


          Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu.. 
          Indeed,the hearts are saddened and the eyes shed tears but we only say that which pleases our Lord. May Allaah have mercy upon those who have lost their lives during an evil terrorist attack on innocent people in a mosque in New Zealand. May Allaah سبحانه وتعالى  bestow upon their families patience.
          Allaah عز وجل says:
          وَمَا نَقَمُوا مِنْهُمْ إِلَّا أَن يُؤْمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ الْعَزِيزِ الْحَمِيدِ 
          "Their only grievance and resentment against them was that they believed in Allaah, the Almighty, the Praiseworthy." (85:8)
          May Allaah protect the Muslims. 


@habeebti wa alaykumus Salam warahmotullah wabarokaatuh... It was indeed a great loss... May Allah grant them the highest place in jannah.... Aameen


Walaikumassalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu 
            There are stories coming to light one by one. About the amazing people in that masjid who lost their lives. There is blood shed on the Quran and the walls of that mashid testifying the shahadah of these people. There are hearts which are broken and eyes that are wet and also hands that are raised in dua, the best sword of a mumin. There is also patience with which we wait and shukr for raising the level of our brethren in jannah, to our Lord. Now all that is left is the mercy of our Rabb that will come in movement and Remember Ya Mumineen! When Rabb’s mercy rises, the rest of the world doesn’t matter anymore... so let’s wait and be patient.