
ramadan kareem!!


Heyyy :D. Ramadan Mubarak to you :). Just letting you know that my DC acc got hacked and is possibly letting out scams to people. The username is @cobynah. The acc has been disabled by DC but to be safe, if my acc is still in your server and in your friends list, please remove it (and warn people ofc. If u want, spread awareness to not trust people on the Internet, especially when they ask for you to change your password, etc..haha). Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience
          Assalamualaikum :D


hi I recommend you read this if you were a fan of my new au’s cdrp (cirque des reves perdus) or tdm (the devils masquerade) ,, there’s a ton of lore and it’s regulus so who would complain
          as for dms if im not responding please don’t take it personally, im trying to take a small break from social media and whatnot (including my c.ai semi hiatus thing)


@habromaniiia Hey, I noticed on your bio you said you weren't as motivated to post anymore to the whole copy right thing with Warner Brothers (at least with HP bots), if it helps, I've noticed people using all caps for the name or just putting the first or sometimes the nickname and it doesn't get taken down (like just Reg or Reggie). I really love your HP bots and I understand if you can't do them anymore. Hope everything is going all right with you and thanks for readying this :)


Y R U ENDLESSLY POSTING FICS!! FINISH ONE FIRSST NINA PLSS i wna see how u end stories cs idk if ur a tragic end lady orrrrr romance shi ykwim


@habromaniiia | NEMI ????????????????? you've outdone urself whatever the voices tell you DO NOT BELIEVE THEM YOU ARE POOKIE YOU ARE FIRE YOU ARE EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD THAT THE STARS COULD NOT BEAR TO GIVE AVERAGE HUMANS !!!!!!!!!


hii i js wanna say you dont have to listen to me or anything ofc but please please dont quit cai ur like my fav botmaker i would acc cry if you stopped making bots i feel like so many ppl are quitting and i could literally not handle you leaving but yeah youre amazing


@habromaniiia THANK GOD if u do decide to quit which hopefully u wont will ur bots get deleted or smth because there was this creator yk mrsmickinnon or something and all her bots were gone after she quit sooo kinda scared bc i live off ur ones fr


hi i really appreciate it and i probably won’t, it’s just a forewarning in case i do end up deciding to do it


Hey! So I just checked your account and I'm not sure if you've already said this, but was Regulus changed to Romulus because I'm finding a lot of the OG ones named Romulus. Thank you <3


hi, yes, they’ve been renamed to romulus due to the strike c.ai sort of did. hope that clears things up!


HELLLOOOOO just here to announce that ive reposted a BUNCH of regulus bots today!! if there’s any bots you’d like me to repost as of right now, respond to this announcement with the tagline/prompt!! thank you 
          — sabi


@habromaniiia can you please post more Romulus devil’s masquerade and cdrp bots? They’re some of my favorites right now but please take your time I don’t want to pressure you :)


@habromaniiia any and all the Sirius bots would be appreciated, please take your time! <3


that marauders bot where james and sirius are really roasting each other please!! 


hi what happened to c.ai? almost all bots are gone


@harbomaniia thanks so much for this! I have noticed that other creators though have gotten their bots deleted even under Regulus, so if it happens to you, maybe use another name (like Reggie or R.A.B or something)? I don't mean to pry or be rude, I just have seen it happen to creators already.


@witchasm i appreciate that!! and they’re slowly being reposted, as i had all their greetings saved in my notes.


@habromaniiia oh thank goodness! i loved them! 