
@Laurss wooooow that would be cooool :D well it's settled then when i have the chance to finally come visit we can arrange it so we could meet in london and go some new  sites together and even ur friends so we could have more fun i think it would be great :) i'm totally gonna think about that in the near future, and u r so welcome to Egypt u would have lots of fun here there r lots of cool places to go i hope u can make it one day :)


Hi Hadeer! Thanks so much for reading and voting for my book Kindred. I appreciate it greatly. :)


@SachaM hello sacha, no thanks needed sweetie i really liked your book it intruiged me and i finished it before going to bed i liked it and liked that it was professionally written it was i was reading an already best seller "honestly not just a compliment" so i hope you would be able to publish one day, if u do i'll make sure to purchase it :)


dedeeee :'( ,,, sooo sorry my inbox isn't working 
          how are you ? and how is college ?


Heeey tee how r u?? I was worried about u but i figured u had been busy or something
            I am okay everythingis fine and still noschool yet i will start like oct 20th or something like that i still have plent of time :)
            How r u? Dan and brian? Let me know u r all fine and say hi to both of them for me