
Hello Everyone ! i just uploaded a new chapter for The Red Prince a few minutes ago so go and check it out ! I apologize for the lack of updating , life has caught up to me it seems. It's definitely not my best i will admit that , but i would appreciate  feedback ! (:


Hello Everyone ! i just uploaded a new chapter for The Red Prince a few minutes ago so go and check it out ! I apologize for the lack of updating , life has caught up to me it seems. It's definitely not my best i will admit that , but i would appreciate  feedback ! (:


Jut wanted to let everyone who is reading The Red Prince know that i did delete the first two chapters  because i changed the story plot , and that i will hopefully be re- posting them tomorrow.  WARNING!!! these chapters are very disturbing in m opinion so read at your own risk ! As much as it pains me today it ... i kind of like the disturbing turn that this book is taking .  I think its safe to say that  i'm venturing out of my comfort zone  A LOT with this book.   This book will have a bit of a religious stature to it and i do not , i reapeat  I DO NOT WANT TO OFFEND ANYONE AND THEIR RELIGIOUS VIEWS IN THIS BOOK !!  If you are wondering what my religion is i am a christian , but not one of those people who claim to be Christians and judge everything that breaths if they dont look or dress or preach exactly what they want them to. ( As you can tell in my writing.) i just wanted to post this message so that people don't get mad or offended . This is not my personal view on Christianity   i just wrote all of that for the sake of a story .  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free and do not hesitate to ask me through private message on here or at my email    haeleighdale@yahoo.com  .
          Thanks !
          - Haeleigh


Hello Loves ! Let me start of by saying I sincerely apologize for not updating The Wonderless in like , a gazillion months.  There are about three logical  excuses I can give you . I've got a lot on my plate at the moment , and really need to figure myself out right now before I go writing a bunch. Second , i'm in the process of major revision and I want it to be as perfect as it can be. ( The book IS finished.)  And last.... I kid you not , I have the worst case of writers block I've ever had !  everything  Ive wrriten is either waaaay too dramatic or just plain crappy !! But yeahhhhh. The Wonder less will be published hopefully here soon on wattpad and as a paperback. I'll keep the minimal amount of people actually interested in this book posted ! Bye :)
                     -- H.A. Hale xx