@7thhellhaven girl bffr now youre the one acting like a smartass, its an x reader ofc its not a boys love?? i NEVER assumed that blue lock is a boys love, im lit agaisnt every ship of that manga lol so you couldve just ASK what did i mean before commenting this and i wouldve have explained to you nicely that its not before acting all dramatic and assuming things, bcuz ure the only one here who thought that and here ure coming calling my friend a stupid bitch when you’re the stupidiest one here acting like ure allat, grow tf up ure embarassing yourself - the sentece dorsnt even have a proper meaning if you read it as « boys love » ??? and just so yk? FRENCH PPL actually DO call blue lock as BL and not BOYS LOVE and yk what?? im french!!! hope this help!!!