
The new chapter of Paranormal Investigators 2 is up!!


@mthades_2010 hahahaha  personal crisis :) and writer's block


@mthades_2010 chapter 2 is up! From now on the updates will be more frequent :)


hello miss hafsa...i rarely go in wattpad these days but i happened to get into it the other and i reread ur story..paranormal investigators case files..this is one of my favorites since i started binging in wattpad...i read it for so many times now and the fact that im really into paranormals..i mean i deeply believe in paranormals..i was wondering if u will continue writing its sequel because ive been excitedly waiting for it...i hope u can write or complete the second book..thank you...


@hafsa_indie hello miss hafsa..how have you been??...i just got on wattpad and just saw your message...i missed reading your novels..im still waiting for the continuation of paranormal investigators sequel...and i cant wait to read it...i hope you are doing great...waiting for your next book on paranormal investigators.


@KathyCruz347 hi there! I'm so sorry I missed your message and I hope you're still on Wattpad. I will be writing a sequel soon :)



i just finished reading your story, "rent a wife."  it was very amusing and entertaining.  the way you described your characters and situations - natasha as a sensitive, but hopeless, unable to find a solution to her financial problem.  
          i wanted to knock jude's head when he insisted on asking natasha to pay for the scratches in his car when he bumped her instead of bringing her to the hospital for medical treatment.  jude's immaturity, irresponsibility and indecisiveness, when stephanie  went back to him, he was even thinking of continuing a relationship with her even after marrying natasha! 
          you pictured sean as funny, sensitive and brutally frank.  wade, as caring, mature, compassionate and helpful.  gary, as a model best friend, cared for jude and being by his side. the suspense you created made me sit on edge - when natasha received threats and her fear of being stalked. the funny parts when the 3 vying for the position of the best man, the dry run in rushing ellen for delivery to the hospital and leaving her behind instead.  then, the repetition when it was natasha's time to deliver her babies, no one remembered to bring her too. especially jude.  i had a stomachache laughing the whole time. the way you described their honeymoon night was not embarrassing.
          there's more but i might go beyond the 2000 words limit.  continue writing similar stories like this.  grammatical errors can be easily remedied with patience and hard work.  expressions - "take a picture, it lasts longer," "bumping into a wall,"  
          you have a talent for writing.  keep it up.  you also welcomed corrections for grammatical errors.  there are 2 expressions that i found overused in stories i've read though - "take a picture, it lasts longer."  "bumping into a wall" but discovering it was a chest - have appeared in most of the wattpad stories i've read so use other unique ex pressions to make your story different. 
          good luck!  you may yet find your stories as best sellers in future.


@MarimilHerdez I don't know how i missed this but the fact you took time out to leave me such a detailed review and feedback . Much love ❤️ I am in the process of editing this book and your feedback will help me so much. Thank you!


Oh my goodness my sister-in-law and I both read your book in one day more like 8 hours haha please tell me there is book number 2


@JulieDeaton I love u guys. Thank you!! I'll be working on the sequel soon❤️


Rent a wife