
Sorry I'm late on this chapter of The Scent of Fond Memories, but please check it out! You'll get to see a side of Aedan you've never seen before!! Please go vote, like, and comment


Also- I see that a lot of you really like Chasing Tomorrow as well! It's been on the back burner for a while, but I think I'm going to go through it and start editing and (maybe, hopefully) start working on a sequel


Hey peoples I just updated my book The Scent of Fond Memories. Please, please, please VOTE because if you like it, I'm sure others will too. It's the best way for it to get recogized. I hope you enjoy Chapter 3: Drugs and be sure to VOTE


Hi @haiijada  thanks so much for the follow!  I hope you'll have a chance to check out my stories.  I see you're reading @brucerelgin's book, Schism.  Isn't it great?


@haiijada Thank you both for the kind words...and jada, you'll love Amber's work.  I don't know which to recommend first...Unseen or Every Day in May...tough choice!


@amberkbryant  yeah, it's an amazing book. I'm glad I'm reading it. I'll definitely check your stories out .