
Hey guys! Did you know that I actually went to a one direction concert?!? I vlogged about it here! https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCJ8uATyyIf9BYK7SLVkvzsw


          Sorry I dont respond to most of my comments <3 I love reading them but sometimes don't have to time to respond. Don't be afraid to comment if if you hate it ! From Love to Lust was updated (this time it's a real chapter) and I'm not that proud of that story, thinking about deleting it... But when I get my computer back Open When... will defiantly be updated. Love you guys so much. Stay CSP. xox


4,034 reads <3 127 comments <3 49 comments <3 
          I <3 LOVE <3 YOU <3 GUYS <3 
          Keep doing what you're doing <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
          This story has proven to be the best so tank you to the co writer as well <3 <3 
          So so so so so much love <3 
          -StayCSP xoxox


Sorry I dot respond to most of my comments <3 I love reading them but sometimes don't have to time to respond. Don't be afraid to comment if if you hate it ! From Love to Lust was updated (this time it's a real chapter) and I'm not that proud of that story, thinking about deleting it... But when I get my computer back Open When... will defiantly be updated. Love you guys so much. Stay CSP. xox