Heyyo! Sorry for being gone for so long.. ^^' I've had a ton going on and I just didn't really have time to write.. aanywhoo, I'm going to be writing a story, and I need help deciding on what ship to write it about.
~The Ships~
- Bakugou x Deku (My Hero Academia)
- Laurens x Hamilton (Hamilton)
- Ren x Ryuji (Persona 5)
- Suga x J-Hope (BTS)
-Rei x Nagisa (Free!)
- Kousei x Kaori (Your lie in April)
- Chihiro x Haku (Spirited Away)
- Mike x Eleven (Stranger Things)
***This is all I could think of for the moment ^-^', if you have any others that you would like for me to write about, please leave it in the comments. Thanks!
**** P. S. : The story is gonna have some angst, so be ready-