
yo! doubt anyone cares but i’m taking down type 37. i’ve decided that when i finish i will be self publishing it. 


hey guys! gonna unpublish type 37 for a bit. the first couple chapters are ugly and i wanna rewrite them. kinda just wanna improve the story a bit before updating again. i finally have some ideas of how i want it to go down! i just have to go to the first chapters, fix my tone, fix ash and nick’s voices, some basic stuff.


hey guys. sorry for the lack of updates of type 37. i’m trying really hard to figure out how the events of this book will unfold (and still trying to think of some events! lol). it’s gonna be a bit slow for a little bit, but as of now i’m trying to develop my characters and improve my storytelling. i hope to finish this type 37, the first in the series, before the end of the year. i will definitely go back and edit this before starting the next one (the first few chapters really get on my nerves). to any and all readers of type 37, it means so much to me that your giving my story a chance. thank you. 


i used the wrong you’re


Hey y’all! New chapter of Type 37 coming soon (a real cute one might I add) and this time I’m not lying! I hit a huge block but tonight i cracked out (almost) a full chapter for y’all!  <3


coming soon i say, as i get ready to post it