
━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ cb and specify 


(    amused  pls   !!  )


Is there something on your mind?


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ @hexvenges 
            " bored, maybe? it is so quiet here. kind of stupid to say that about going on vacation to this place, but I guess I should have come earlier when there were festivals to enjoy. " 


(It looks like something is bothering you).


what had been once a peaceful night morphed into one that had him tossing and turning , face scrunched as nightmares plagued his mind . the lunari woke up , shooting upright with a strained gasp and almost fighting to take breaths while sweat ran down his face . aphelios's eyes glanced over to the man besides him , hoping that his sudden burst hadn't woken him up .. though that was doubtful with sett's ears being able to pick up a lot more than most humans could . he tried to play it off by curling back up into the sheets , though it was clear he was trembling still . it would pass , he thought .. like everything else . he couldn't bother the half-vastayan with something like this surely -   


aphelios had never minded the bigger portions , although his stomach was definitely a lot smaller in comparison . sett was always finishing up his leftovers .. but now that didn't happen as often as before . '   you already buy me so much stuff , sett . really , you spoil me .  '  he blushed as he sat down at the table with him . aphelios appreciated everything that the half - vastayan gifted him , but he always wondered in his mind if it was ever / too / much in terms of cost . he was just happy spending time with sett . aphelios cautiously took a sip of tea , being careful not to burn himself .  '   maybe i'll buy you something this time around .  '   he hummed .


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ @lunariwpns 
            " sounds good ta me, mooncake. " the half-blood smiled back, setting their cups and plates ready while waiting for the rest of the food to properly cook. the counter top was at least close enough to just walk over withthe pan and dish the food out. having learned more or less how much aphelios preferred to eat. he used to over do it a lot, due to his own appetite being so big. " maybe we can get ye somethin' nice? clothes or a comfortable blanket set for that napping area of your's? " the half vastayan always loved to spoil. when it wasn't his mom he would try to give all he could to the lunari. he had the money to do so and he personally enjoyed spending money on others more than spending it on himself. dishing up the last bit he waited to be joined, pouring both some tea. 


aphelios liked to think that he was getting better at engaging in their affections , gaining more confidence as their relationship continued . sett didn't push his boundaries , but he liked to gently nudge aphelios into starting more . the lunari allowed himself to be pulled in closer , leaning into his partner eagerly as their kiss continued . he always wished he could revel in sett's warmth all the time , though the tea finally boiling also snapped him out of his thoughts .  although he was sad it ended , his stomach rumbling was undeniable as his face turned a bright red . the assassin gave him a smile as well before pushing himself off the counter and onto the ground once more , seeming to think over what he wanted to do. they hadn't been able to have a full day just to enjoy each other .. there was a lot of options .  '   how about a walk then ?   '   he nodded . it was a nice day today .. plus they could walk around into town too if they wanted .


" Alright , now YOU are something I never seen before — "


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ @zaunbats 
            " one of a kind, ye could say. surprised so many notice with all the sorts of people that gather at these parts. " he was a little arrogant, but definitely earned arrogance. ever since he got here it was a mission to look for acrion. he didn't find it in piltover, but found an abundance of people down across the river that was either looking to steal his fur coat or travel bag. many are quick to learn who to leave be. " ye look pretty smart about the layout here. mind helpin' a simple tourist find some action? not agaisnt those in blues or reds, of course. I can make it worth yer effort. "