
Hello my lovelies. Just wanted to make a few shoutouts for authors I think need more recognition :) won't take long. If I were you I would definitely give their books a read and follow them, they deserve the attention!
          	- @DuchessOMalley = brilliant one shot writer, definitely check out her books
          	- @Gstar2404 = if you like Harry Potter or other fandoms, definitely check out her books, she writes amazing one-shot fanfictions and will take requests. 
          	- @readerandwriter3110 = she writes all kinds of fanfictions as you will see on her account, she writes Harry Potter imagines, Multifandom imagines and I think she has a Newt x Reader fanfiction as well. 
          	Please take a few minutes to check out and follow these writers if you can, they don't have nearly enough followers and they deserve so many more :)


Thank you so so so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hello my lovelies. Just wanted to make a few shoutouts for authors I think need more recognition :) won't take long. If I were you I would definitely give their books a read and follow them, they deserve the attention!
          - @DuchessOMalley = brilliant one shot writer, definitely check out her books
          - @Gstar2404 = if you like Harry Potter or other fandoms, definitely check out her books, she writes amazing one-shot fanfictions and will take requests. 
          - @readerandwriter3110 = she writes all kinds of fanfictions as you will see on her account, she writes Harry Potter imagines, Multifandom imagines and I think she has a Newt x Reader fanfiction as well. 
          Please take a few minutes to check out and follow these writers if you can, they don't have nearly enough followers and they deserve so many more :)


Thank you so so so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@IrishDuff @irishjonky @RoAdiE_coBbAn @awkwardroadie
          Everyone tagged has explained and ranted about why the roadtrip cover of these days got deleted. Honestly, I want to do my part and show my support even though he'll never see this nor will the people who fat shamed him.
          Andy is one of the kindest, funniest most beautiful person I've ever known and he is absolutely amazing. Nobody is perfect, but if they were Andy would be right up there at the top. Andy loves and cares and respects every single Roadie no matter what, and for people to turn around and disrespect him like that is SO unfair! How anybody could look at Andy and think "Jeezo he's fat, ima shame him" is beyond me but I cannot put into words how shocked and disgusted I am. Tag Roadies you know and post what you love about Andy. Just for fun or maybe we can somehow send this to Andy. 
          Peace and Love, See You On The Flip Side


@dracoooolover, that's beautiful, I almost cried! 


I love Andy because of how strong he is and how much respect he has for women. He made me cry once when he was live. I was having a bad day and he was explaining how he view women as precious angels who deserve everything in life. He is one of the only people I know that has an inside view of a woman's life and hardships due to him growing up with only a mother figure in the house. And for that I have so much respect for him 


          I saw Jack yesterday and he was amazing! I was so proud to witness GOATS first live performance!!! I'd highly recommend getting merch it's boss!! 


Aahh your so lucky! If I were to go seem them, I would  die of fangirlitis