
I've got a lot going on today, and I did not finish this weeks chapter, so it will be out this weekend! I'm really sorry about that, but I've been very busy with school.
          	 Also thank you so much to the people who have voted and commented on THE CRIES OF A BANSHEE, they really make my day :)


I've got a lot going on today, and I did not finish this weeks chapter, so it will be out this weekend! I'm really sorry about that, but I've been very busy with school.
           Also thank you so much to the people who have voted and commented on THE CRIES OF A BANSHEE, they really make my day :)


I'll be updating THE CRIES OF A BANSHEE every Friday :D
          I really wanted to update this story more often than once a week, but the chapters are nearing ~4,000 words each time. Making sure there are no grammar mistakes, and that the story stays cohesive takes awhile! I also don't want to rush this story, so I'll be taking it kinda slowly.
          Anyways, thank you if you are reading this :D