Happy late Christmas lovely’s and happy New Years :3 (sorry I’ve been inactive lately I’ve been sick for a while and I wasn’t home so I couldn’t send any messages for Christmas
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Happy late Christmas lovely’s and happy New Years :3 (sorry I’ve been inactive lately I’ve been sick for a while and I wasn’t home so I couldn’t send any messages for Christmas
Happy late Christmas lovely’s and happy New Years :3 (sorry I’ve been inactive lately I’ve been sick for a while and I wasn’t home so I couldn’t send any messages for Christmas
So how's you,re week going so far lovely's? Mines going horrible so far here's why; monday; My lock for the locker didn't work anymore, so we changed the lock, next thing I know, my locker buddy @ElijadeElijade, sends me a messages to say that the lock didn't work so we had to change it, AGAIN today: I was doing a evaluation that you have to listen to the audio for the answers, the guy infront of me kept yapping and won't shut his mouth, and while I tried to listen to the answers I couldn't because the next thing I know where already at the 10th question, so I could only wright 2/10 answers (and it's evaluated). And to add to that, my mom just lost her job just because they wanted to capitalise everything to the US, Texas, and they fired her from her post at her job to be replaced by a younger women that has no diplomat or expirience in digital marketing and svck5 at the job, just because the younger women lives in the US (and also because she kept complaining to the CEO of the job because she felt like it) So I just hope that my week can't get any worst then this honestly-
Well- Lets just say she already found a new job and is going to start working in january, and she did all of that in less then 48 hours-
@markerisbestt Thanks, she did say that she'll find a job in january/febuary, but it just sad and it sucks 'cuz' no one saw it comming, not even my mom's bosses knew about this until 2 hours later-
Happy Halloween lovely's :3
Any books y'all want me to update and/or create lovely's? The page is wide open for all, -For new books(rules): Allowed(not the type of book); Some gore/violance, friendly/sibling/young couple like content (ex: small kiss, or cheek kiss-) swearing(cybertronian ex; Scrap) not allowed: 18+, to much 18+ content, to much gore/violance, swearing(human. ex; f-, and all of that) Main themes(for book(franchise)/not type of book): Transformers, Pacific rim, Gundam, Christine, AXL, Brave police, other(comment which one you want and I'll see if I could make) Type of book: Ask or Dare, long(many chapter) story, short mini stories, Requested stories, Other(comment) Genres: Gore/Violance, romance(ish), LGBTQ+, Comedy, Emotional, other(comment)
Omg guys, Transformer Earthspark Season 3 has a release date! October 25th! And Primus freaking finally we get to see Prowl (after they scammed us into saying that prowl was going to be in season 2-)!
@Mikaylaorr10 OOf, Tell me how that goes in a while, meanwhile I'm just with my father every saturday and watch random things, today we watched the whole season of Gundam, Requiem for vengeance
@halfprimeAndRaja then again I just got done watching a little bit of a horror movie so I might be awake for a little while.(I was trying to prove to my dad that I'm not a wuss but I was too scared)
All Generations(Gens) so far 1901-1927 ; Greatest Gen (GI Gen) 1928-1945 ; Silent Gen 1946-1964; Baby Boom Gen 1965-1980 ; Gen X 1981-1996 ; Millennial Gen, aka Gen Y 1997-2010 ; Gen Z 2011-2024 ; Gen Alpha 2025-??? ; Gen Beta ???-??? ; Gen ?? Which Gen are you from? (Not asking age just generation) I'm a Gen Z person
@halfprimeAndRaja OH and I forgot to mention when we googled it apparently the next Gen (aka the Gen that just has ?) is called Gen beta
@halfprimeAndRaja me and my mom got bored and Google that and that's what it said apparently for the longest time I thought I was only Gen Z because I was born in a year before 2011
Curiosity killed the cat for me... what's the most recent movie/Video/Short/TV series you've wathched recently? Me it's Terrifier (first movie), and Fallen(1998)
@halfprimeAndRaja I'd have to say the most recent video/TV series I've watched would have to be recuse bots academy
Oh damn, I got 25 subs! <3 thank you guys so much <3 !!
You know this detail will never fail to amuse me ! Spoilers for Metal Cardbots ! So, this detail makes thing so muh more hilarious, so you guys know in Metal Cardbots, episode 3, when Jun, and Bluecop decide to go to the outdoor repair garage and just decided to blast some random mexican song at full volume tru the whole city, while Bluecop just hits his chest like a damn gorilla to get Mega Trucker's attention so they could somewhat ''catch'' him? Well in the scene where Mega Trucker arrives at the garage, you can see the damn gate door, fully open so that everyone can come and go as they want, and then you have Mega Trucker, whom decided to drive right into the fence right next to the opened door, and just starts vibing before getting annoyed by Jun and Bluecop's small talk towards him and engages into a damn fight-
@Mikaylaorr10 It's a very funny show. And honestly I know it's a korean kids show, but you know I don't give a scrap about that. Lets just say in the show you have character build up, you have a stubborn one, a clumsy one, a medic, a shy one, a flute player that turns into a plaine, a flying pirate ship, a boldozer that can create anything(even tiny baby versions of himself), the one that grew fond over a mother at the point that if I actually understoon korean, wants to stay with the mother(as in he wants a mother that cares for him), Nemesis Prime 2.0 and Ultra magnus Robots in digused 2001 had a crazy love child that somehow becomes as strong as unucron just with a damn crystal dome, a korean version of powerjoe that can hear everything just for being undergound and can make wholes with a drill that I don't know where he egst it from honest bc hes a shovel, Zacian(pokemon) and Zamazenta(pokemon) if they fused into a purple walking knight with a sword and sheild, and last but not least a boss/Trainer/ whatever you want to call a MetalCardbot owner whos a 6th grader student...Yeah, here are the charactrs name (The human boss & the Cardbots only bc I have no idea what the others are called eccept for the boss's friend names Theo); Jun(human). Bluecop. Mega Trucker. Shadow X. Mega Embler. Phoenix Fire. Wild Guardy. Dexter. Felta Z. Black Hook. Buster Gallon. Buffalo Crush. Heavy Iron. All Cardbots are males, and alot of makable gay ships can be made witht he series at this point. You can have fun to watch the series and guess who in the Carbots fits the personality- Series name: Metal Cardbots / Mecha Cardbots (both work) Duration of each episodes: 11 minutes, 12 minutes max Here's the link to the series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLcqsmPCHLY&list=PLNydZjxmjCUEjsZYTh72DbzNDurSJlRA5 Good luck cu'z their's no subtiles in the show episodes and the youtube subtiles are in Korean symbols only-
@halfprimeAndRaja I may have never seen this show but it does sound really funny
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