
Omg guys, Transformer Earthspark Season 3 has a release date! October 25th!
          	And Primus freaking finally we get to see Prowl (after they scammed us into saying that prowl was going to be in season 2-)!


@halfprimeAndRaja then again I just got done watching a little bit of a horror movie so I might be awake for a little while.(I was trying to prove to my dad that I'm not a wuss but I was too scared)


@Mikaylaorr10 Haha, me either. Guess we're on the same boat :D


@halfprimeAndRaja yay! :D (I have no clue why I'm still awake)


Omg guys, Transformer Earthspark Season 3 has a release date! October 25th!
          And Primus freaking finally we get to see Prowl (after they scammed us into saying that prowl was going to be in season 2-)!


@halfprimeAndRaja then again I just got done watching a little bit of a horror movie so I might be awake for a little while.(I was trying to prove to my dad that I'm not a wuss but I was too scared)


@Mikaylaorr10 Haha, me either. Guess we're on the same boat :D


@halfprimeAndRaja yay! :D (I have no clue why I'm still awake)


All Generations(Gens) so far
          1901-1927 ; Greatest Gen (GI Gen)
          1928-1945 ; Silent Gen 
          1946-1964; Baby Boom Gen
          1965-1980 ; Gen X
          1981-1996 ; Millennial Gen, aka Gen Y
          1997-2010 ; Gen Z
          2011-2024 ; Gen Alpha
          2025-??? ; Gen Beta
          ???-??? ; Gen ??
          Which Gen are you from? (Not asking age just generation)
          I'm a Gen Z person


@Mikaylaorr10 yes I know, I wrote it along with the dates..-


@halfprimeAndRaja OH and I forgot to mention when we googled it apparently the next Gen (aka the Gen that just has ?) is called Gen beta


@halfprimeAndRaja me and my mom got bored and Google that and that's what it said apparently for the longest time I thought I was only Gen Z because I was born in a year before 2011


Curiosity killed the cat for me...
          what's the most recent movie/Video/Short/TV series you've wathched recently?
          Me it's Terrifier (first movie), and Fallen(1998)


Oh my god same, hinestly I'm at season 2 rn-


@halfprimeAndRaja I'd have to say the most recent video/TV series I've watched would have to be recuse bots academy


Oh damn, I got 25 subs! <3 
          thank you guys so much <3 !!


You know this detail will never fail to amuse me
          ! Spoilers for Metal Cardbots !
          So, this detail makes thing so muh more hilarious, so you guys know in Metal Cardbots, episode 3, when Jun, and Bluecop decide to go to the outdoor repair garage and just decided to blast some random mexican song at full volume tru the whole city, while Bluecop just hits his chest like a damn gorilla to get Mega Trucker's attention so they could somewhat ''catch'' him? Well in the scene where Mega Trucker arrives at the garage, you can see the damn gate door, fully open so that everyone can come and go as they want, and then you have Mega Trucker, whom decided to drive right into the fence right next to the opened door, and just starts vibing before getting annoyed by Jun and Bluecop's small talk towards him and engages into a damn fight-


@Mikaylaorr10 It's a very funny show. And honestly I know it's a korean kids show, but you know I don't give a scrap about that. Lets just say in the show you have character build up, you have a stubborn one, a clumsy one, a medic, a shy one, a flute player that turns into a plaine, a flying pirate ship, a boldozer that can create anything(even tiny baby versions of himself), the one that grew fond over a mother at the point that if I actually understoon korean, wants to stay with the mother(as in he wants a mother that cares for him), Nemesis Prime 2.0 and Ultra magnus Robots in digused 2001 had a crazy love child that somehow becomes as strong as unucron just with a damn crystal dome, a korean version of powerjoe that can hear everything just for being undergound and can make wholes with a drill that I don't know where he egst it from honest bc hes a shovel, Zacian(pokemon) and Zamazenta(pokemon) if they fused into a purple walking knight with a sword and sheild, and last but not least a boss/Trainer/ whatever you want to call a MetalCardbot owner whos a 6th grader student...Yeah, here are the charactrs name (The human boss & the Cardbots only bc I have no idea what the others are called eccept for the boss's friend names Theo); Jun(human). Bluecop. Mega Trucker. Shadow X. Mega Embler. Phoenix Fire. Wild Guardy. Dexter. Felta Z. Black Hook. Buster Gallon. Buffalo Crush. Heavy Iron.
            All Cardbots are males, and alot of makable gay ships can be made witht he series at this point. You can have fun to watch the series and guess who in the Carbots fits the personality-
            Series name: Metal Cardbots / Mecha Cardbots (both work)
            Duration of each episodes: 11 minutes, 12 minutes max
            Here's the link to the series:
            Good luck cu'z their's no subtiles in the show episodes and the youtube subtiles are in Korean symbols only-


@halfprimeAndRaja I may have never seen this show but it does sound really funny 


Hello, y’all! How are my lovely’s doing today? Me between the hazardest hell of school starting soon and a house heaven of kittens in doing fine, nothing interesting for me, anyways is there any books y’all lovely’s want me do update or maybe a new book, who knows. Anyways tell me how your days been going and which book to update or new book to make :3


@VividBlueRoy and my with one the 12 cats my heat grand mother has she has 2 mother cats and 10 kittens


@VividBlueRoy I have 3 cats at my moms (oldest - 15 / middle - 8 / youngest - 2) and 2 at my dads(both 3) and my great grand mother has 12 barn cats-


What the f*ck!? Wattpad just deleted my book 'Pheonix's feiyas' because it went again't they're policy rules??? What the hell did I do wrong!? I even put a damnw arning on the book to say the there was gore and all of that, and on the page i did I didn't even mad eit that violent & gore some, bro WTF?! And sense when did wattpad bring back the inbox chat? WTF did I do wrong!??!


@halfprimeAndRaja that sucks, but this is becoming a common problem between authors now


@Mikaylaorr10 I know it's unfair, its so fragged up. and it's okay, as long as they don't delete the rest of the things I have I'll be fine


Dang, one follower away from 25 followers!
          And more or less I died on this app, sorry-
          But fun thing i've noticed with my cats, they all have small or average size body for their breeds, small IQ brains, and a fat aft-
          Like I'm not kidding, my youngest cat has no servival skills what so ever, she hates when I leave for long periods of time, and when I pick her up to bring in me bed room, so she can know that she's allowed to sleep on my bed, and end up picking her with her butt facing the door, I'm not joking I have need to have th door wide open, just so her fat aft can fit in my room, compaired to if her head was facing the door she can fit tru the small gap-


@Mikaylaorr10 Lol, don't worry my youngest cat is still trying to kill the same fly for the pass 3 days-


@halfprimeAndRaja that sounds like my mom's cat but opposite she knows how to fight but she not that good with hunting 


Update from yesturday, my youngest cat has the servival skill to kill and eat mise, and bugs, except of that she ain't go servival skill to fight-


Me; *Goes on vacation for a week off country*
          Me during the week: Why the frag won't my email, and wattpad work? Did my email get hacked?? What is going on?!
          Me five seconds later: *Realised* Oh..... wait
          (Tip for vacations; If your out of your country and your email don't work it means that you ain't got free email service in that country..... So go home for the email-)