
hey.... sorry for ghosting but I just lost the motivation to write. You'll notice that I took down all off my fics and that is because I felt like that they weren't very good. Maybe one day I'll reupload them but I don't see that happening anytime soon. I started a lot of those fics when I was a freshman in high school, I'm now a senior about to graduate. God the years have flown by fast. So uh yeah, I might be on here to read a little bit but I don't know. So that's that.


hey.... sorry for ghosting but I just lost the motivation to write. You'll notice that I took down all off my fics and that is because I felt like that they weren't very good. Maybe one day I'll reupload them but I don't see that happening anytime soon. I started a lot of those fics when I was a freshman in high school, I'm now a senior about to graduate. God the years have flown by fast. So uh yeah, I might be on here to read a little bit but I don't know. So that's that.


          I've returned from the dead and I'm working on Fire and Blood! If you noticed a change in the last chapter I uploaded all those months ago I changed up a bit of my writing style. So I'm going to finish Fire and Blood and then go back on through Blood of the Dragon and Fire and Blood rewrite them. For the time being I'm going to unpublish The Penny Queen


Hahaha Fire and Blood should have been done by now, but life is rough with many different obstacles coming up. Also writers block is real and I've had different plots floating around in my head and notes for other books. I think I'm going to put Fire and Blood and The Penny Queen even more on the back burner and work on When We're Alone (its a new Harry Potter fic that is centered around Fleur Delacour) and a new orginal book called The Truth of Being. 
          I promise I haven't forgotten about Fire and Blood and The Penny Queen I just don't know where to go with them at the moment. It's very confusing and I've got parts for both floating around with no end, or for some no middle, and for others with no clear beginning but a middle or end. It's a lot of work and I thank you all for sticking with me through it. I'm sorry for my absence but I'm back for the moment. 


Hello there, I'm back! It's July and things are starting to look up a bit mental health wise. Im working on a chapter for The Penny Queen while everything for Fire and Blood is being pushed off a bit more. The Penny Queen I have a bit more of a clear idea on how I'm going to be doing things while with Fire and Blood im stuck. I want to write a chapter through Jon's POV but that is taking forever. Not to mention I still have to figure out to how to write the Battle of Winter, even though I suck at writing action scenes, but I'm trying. All I have for sure down with Fire and Blood is that Jaenera, Daenerys, Jon, Bran, and Rickon will play important parts during the Battle of Winterfell. I want to use Jon's Targaryen heritage to my advantage and I want to use Rhaegal a bit more than the show did. 
          Everything is hectic in my notes switching between The Penny Queen and Fire and Blood with bits of ending here and there and parts of middles floating around also. Everything will make sense eventually so just bear with me. I'm hoping to finish up Kyra's 2nd year at Hogwarts by September at the latest. Hopefully afterwards I will then pick up on Fire and Blood by then and have that almost done. 
          Please enjoy and thank you for sticking with me through this. 


Okay so June has been a pretty rough month for me. Orginally I wanted to have Fire and Blood done but I am no where near being finished so I am putting it on hold for now. I will resume it eventually once my mental health gets a bit better. Hopefully by July once I'm back at my mom's house I can resume it but I'm not making any promises. Please just bear with me right now 


goals that I will accept by June 30th, 
          1. I will finish Fire and Blood
          2. I will start on Broken 
          3. The Penny Queen will have them finishing off 2nd year and beginning 3rd year
          I've got parts of Fire and Blood floating around my drafts and I have the ending done (it shouldn't change but it might) and I've started working on the ending of The Penny Queen. Before I fully start working on Broken I want to have an idea for an ending so I know what I need to do and how to get there. It's going to be chaotic so bear with me. 


I'm working on two new OCs for one of my works that I already have up (not telling you guys which one) but I'm a little stuck with their personality. I know that I want them to resemble (in personality wise) and ex friend of mine but it's a bit hard for me to write them down because she was toxic. Obviously if I were to write them then they would be kinda villains but I do have a hard time writing people off to be mean. So I'm stuck a little. Anyways this has been mindless chatter with Autumn.


Fire and Blood, Welcome to my Notes, and The Penny Queen have all been updated. I'm working on getting Fire and Blood to move a bit faster. If I were following along with the show, which I am but I'm mixing in parts of the books, then we are in season 7 but with lots more episodes. Maybe next update for Fire and Blood will be a Cersei POV which I would love to write but I feel like it would be a bit challenging. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the updates.