@wheadee heehee, only an unengland person would like english accents, sorry to dissapoint, but i'm obliged to tell you wat i ell everyone else who is misguided in thinking we all talk posh. only her royal highness the queen and my best friens zainab talk like that, the rest of us speak pretty normally. and dont worry about having no rhythm, the dance is easy, twirl hands, walk like an egyptian, twirl hand walk the other way, spinnnnnn, touch the floor, jump, do the cha cha slide, throw off jacket, repeat step one, pretend to do some boxing, final knock-out with a kick, and bow, that is my dance. its pretty cool. sometimes i just cant be bothered to comment, my fingers are too dead to touch the key board, like now cuz its 3:30am, so ill just vote, atleast imm doing something. but if i have constructive critism or i'm just dying to say something, then il comment. i just solved the mystery of the silent fans for you, now you can stop wondering and sleep peacefully at night.lol. ;~P