Let's chat. Speak your mind. These books are for you to read and comment in the best friendly, yet in a open-spoke manner. I will respond and write as much as I possibily can. Guys and Ladies are welcome to comment and be open about what's on your mind, but keep it friendly and real. NO shade and NO Threats please.
  • Дата регистрацииSeptember 30, 2012

Последнее сообщение
hamcierr hamcierr Jul 19, 2013 10:20PM
*sigh*hard to write about something and you cant fully get into the book you're writing about....need to add a video to my 2 new books thought....any advice
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Истории от meshelly1107
keep it for a while от hamcierr
keep it for a while
True Story
Let Me Redeem Myself от hamcierr
Let Me Redeem Myself
Let's keep it real about the dirty side of Men and Women.....which side throws the most shade? Rather it's a...
ещё +5
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