Let's chat. Speak your mind. These books are for you to read and comment in the best friendly, yet in a open-spoke manner. I will respond and write as much as I possibily can. Guys and Ladies are welcome to comment and be open about what's on your mind, but keep it friendly and real. NO shade and NO Threats please.
- Дата регистрацииSeptember 30, 2012
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Jul 19, 2013 10:20PM
*sigh*hard to write about something and you cant fully get into the book you're writing about....need to add a video to my 2 new books thought....any adviceПосмотреть все беседы
Истории от meshelly1107
- 2 Опубликованные истории
Let Me Redeem Myself
Let's keep it real about the dirty side of Men and Women.....which side throws the most shade? Rather it's a...