Hello! My name is Heather and I am an amateur author. I love long hikes up in the mountains, spending time with family, and writing stories that are my own. No fanfic here, no siree. If you are interested in stories that don't follow the law of cringey cliche then maybe check out what I've published and see if you like any. I may not publish consistently since I am a college student and am always busy but I do publish chapters on the current stories I'm working on. Well hope you enjoy them!
- Idaho
- RegistriertNovember 3, 2016
Werde Teil der größten Geschichtenerzähler-Community
Aug 22, 2019 03:17AM
Chapter five is up! It's a short one, but a necessary one. Hope you like the introduction to the new character! See you all next Wednesday!Alle Unterhaltungen anzeigen