
I can't believe this reached 9k reads. thank you, really.


hey guys. i know it's been so long and im sorry for that, but i actually have a long unfinished winteam fic that i was writing earlier last year but writer's block got a hold of me. idk what to do with the fic anymore. im not sure if i will post it or not.
          i dont want to post another unfinished fic that's why im getting kinda pessimistic posting it here and on ao3. i wanna continue it so bad but there's little to no sparks for me at all :( if i ever do post it, please be minded that it is unfinished and there's no guarantee that i will be able to continue it.
          anyway, thank you to those who still read my works even tho i am inactive as hell. y'all are the best. thank you ^^
          — erii.


@AdoraGabriel that's why im hesitant to post it here unfinished. i dont want any of the readers to think that i keep abandoning my fics. idk. i might post it and update every now and then if ever. im still unsure but thank you


@hamstersclover if you think you'll not be able to finish it, better yet drop the idea of posting it dear coz it'll truly break our hearts. Just take your time... Who knows, you'll get an inspiration and motivation to continue and finish it.. God bless you


Hello writer.... 
           I just wanna ask... are you gonna continue your story " the story of us (Bounprem) "??
          I'm looking forward to it....


@kachwalgal thank you! i really appreciate it.


             Don't worry try what's you have in mind....i'm a hard core fan of  bounprem | premboun..... So i'm still gonna read them n give you my genuine comment.
            Try your best .