
// cb because i haven’t been on this account in a bit (:


why  are  you  acting  so  strange ?  
          are  you  hiding  something  behind 
          your  back  ? 


            “well at least i still have one surprise… stay right here,” she said, pointing a finger at him before she disappeared into the kitchen. “yes, really, nothing is ever easy with you,” she called out as she picked up the cake she had baked for him, carrying it into the room he was in, “if you had tried going into the kitchen when you got here i would *not* have been happy.”


            well  you  were  being  very  strange . . 
            so  i  wanted  to  see  what  you  were 
            doing  .   *  he  shrugged ,  before  flipping
            the  knife  in  the  air  and  catching  it 
            with  ease . *   oh  really  ?   *  he  questioned ,
            raising  a  brow  at  her  . *   i’ll  definitely 
            use  it . 


            “i would have been fine if you hadn’t kept trying to see what’s behind my back,” she pointed out, narrowing her eyes playfully at him. kara watched with a small smile as he opened it, watching his reaction carefully. “it’s called being a pain in my ass,” she giggled, scrunching her nose up slightly. “i’m glad you like it. i was doing my best to get you something you’d use.”


⌖ undisclosed , nyc  ---- residence || 0200
          you’re getting better at hiding your spare key . not a good sign i keep finding it though . 


“ uh . . . needed to borrow some —  “ bucky did a quick glance around , his eyes adjusting to the dim lighting.  “ sugar ? & don’t worry about making me a copy , i keep all the ones i find , i just lose them shortly after.  “ 


            well, i’m running out of places to hide it, bucky. at this point i should just give you a key to my apartment since you want to be here so badly. now, what in the *world* do you want at 2am?


yeah . . i  don’t  eat  / that / . .  but 
          i  brought  takeout  !   and  i  picked
          up  booze  . . 


            …it’s a salad, dax. [ kara laughed, shaking her head fondly at the male. ] but i will happily be unhealthy tonight because it has been a long day. 


            i  have  tried  it  .  .  * he  mumbled ,
            before  sitting  the  bag  on  the  counter . *
            just  to  refresh  my  brain . .  what  is 
            / that /   ?   


            have you ever *tried* it, dax? or are you just saying that because you *think* you won’t like it? [ she chuckled softly before peering down at what he brought. ]  thank you for picking this up, though. it smells delicious.