Our lives are filled with relationships. Some good. Some bad. And, some…confusing.
Relationships come in all forms –
– ranging from intimate to casual. But, regardless, of the degree of closeness, one fact remains. Relationships are a two-way street. Give and take.
Not a one-sided, give-all, take-all…thing.
Over the years, we come in contact, and make connections with, all sorts of people. A few of these relationships will stand the test of time, whereas most of these relationships will fizzle out.
That’s fine with me. But, what drives me crazy is this –
When people put little or no effort in maintaining and strengthening a relationship.
It seems that so many people will only continue with a relationship if it’s convenient. To have a true relationship – of any type – there needs to be an effort from both parties. Some sacrifices. Some compromises. And, some inconveniences.
Now, of course, I am fully aware that some relationships just come to an end – naturally. But, there are ones in which you know that there is a connection. And, that connection is readily apparent when you either see or talk with that person. Yet, when it comes down to that other person making some sort of effort, they vanish into the abyss.