Hi! I'm Hannah. I like to write because sometimes the books I read don't go the way I want them to so I write my own that have to go the way I want them to. I like the hunger games, divergent, twilight (haters bite me), hush hush, shadow hunters, beautiful creatures,and even more. Some people don't get why I read, so what better place to explain than an app for free books. Reading takes me places movies and TV shows don't. Where the movie cuts to a different scene my mind can imagine everything in more detail and better with a book. Anyways, besides books I like to watch tv (even if it's not as good as a book) like switched at birth, vampire diaries, and once upon a time along with a few others. I like to watch YouTube a lot. I write late at night when I'm bored and when I read a good book I can read it non-stop for days on end. I get mad at authors who don't post but those are normally the ones with the good books :/ oh well. That's me in a nutshell.
  • JoinedJuly 5, 2014

Last Message
hannah12203 hannah12203 Jul 02, 2017 07:42PM
I'm wondering if I should write a chapter in Cameron or Brooks point of view in The Vampire Next Door. Thoughts?
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Stories by Hannah12203
The Vampire Next Door  by hannah12203
The Vampire Next Door
Emma is a normal teenager in her last week of sophomore year. She has a brand new Jeep, an obsession with the...
New in New York  by hannah12203
New in New York
As I stare out the busy highway I wonder what he is thinking. What he is doing since he learned that I left...
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