To all writers,
I don't quite understand why some authors find it necessary to take stories down just because they are not gaining reads, votes and comments in the way that the author likes. I've seen multiple instances over the past few weeks where authors have taken or are threatening to take down stories because they aren't getting votes...
I mean what the hell?! Wattpad is a place of discovery and creativity. Some people will read one story hardcore and the others are not as well read, I have experienced this first hand with several. Only two of my own stories have massive amounts of views but I count all of my published works a success because someone out there read them, and maybe it made their day. Maybe it continues to make their day, sometimes readers vote, other times they dont. But it's not fair to measure the success of something in votes and comments and overall popularity. Give things time, it may surprise you because success doesnt happen overnight.
Sorry for the rant, but Wattpad is a place that I believe works and it shouldnt be about the number of votes or comments your story recieves. It should be about your creativity and the moment it becomes about votes and comments is where you need to step back and look at yourself as an author. Maybe ask yourself who this is really for, because it should be about the creativity, the art, the beauty and not the votes. It matters in peoples hearts and the reading lists it's added to. That's what really matters.