
The newest book that I promise I will finish and I promise it’s well written! First part, the sneak peek, is available now!


Hey everyone! So I fell off the face of the earth...but now I AM BACK! Let me know if there’s any story you’re dying for me to update after all this time or a story idea you want me to work with and I’ll se what I can do! 


Hey @hannah6324 you have two who want to do a print anthology, @TheButterfly2100 and @ LILYROSS_QUEEN are asking about the time honored tradition of breaking the ice in DuPage County and Chicagoland, the anthology project.   I provided the second one with the kit and if you want to play print host you have the e-mail address for this.  Then where ever you want to send the royalties as I am suggesting donate some of them to the College of DuPage Philosophy department.


Hey guys and gals,
          Just wanted to let you know I'm kind of obsessed with writing and reading dance books, but not dance moms! I also am in love with the books that are like Coach's Daughter books!
          So if you've written or read any of those please tell me so I can check them out!
          Also read my new book Dance!


@hannah6324 the definition Duggar -- you would be mentioned under ninth definition as I am surprised Babylon Bee didn't find this one,  https://wp.me/p2TY5U-iI then in the context of the rest of the King James Only Movement.   I defined it because it had me thinking what if the Duggars had access to new media and science.


Hey guys, long time no chat! In case you haven't been on in the past 5 seconds, I would just like to let you know that I have cleaned out my published stories deleting some of them. Thus leaving the Watty2016 entries I have written (please vote and read those) and a few others like My Imprint, Dumbest Things, and more. Please DM me if you have tips, complaints, concerns, or just to say hi, I am on very regularly.


@hannah6324 You were born when I was first published;  I read your piece about the Duggar; what do you know about the King James Only Movement.  You really want to do something that deals with them. Play off their paranoia of New Media.  Your one story I have to admit to me chuckling but you need a funnier layout for the text.  Do you have the cover without the text?  I have an idea.