
UGHHH the last chapter for Fateful September was poorly written. Like, broooo.


@AnnMarieThrush that's okay. I'm pretty outspoken in real life. I have nothing against Alex in real life. I know he's a big part of Scott's life, and a lot of people don't get that. 
          Let's just leave this conversation saying that at the end of the day, we are both Pentaholics who probably ship Scomitche more than they should. Let's just agree on that, shall we? :)


@AnnMarieThrush  Like I said, I was kidding. I sometimes wanna pull my hair out when he gets in the way of my favorite ship, but I'm happy for him nonetheless. All I'm saying is that looking at him, the first things that come to mind is fanfics. I'm sure he's an awesome guy. I support him and Scott. I really do. Everyone is hating on Alex for what other shippers make him do in their fanfiction. I would be lying if I said I haven't in the past. I wasn't trying to actually bash on him as a person; I know nothing about him really. Just in the Wattpad community, I'm not his fan, and I have the right to that opinion.