
Hello! A few months ago, one of my friends started drawing characters based on the people in our friendship group, and then one of my other friends started writing a backstory about them. It turned into a big story and my friend started posting it on Wattpad. It's in Dutch, but is currently being translated so more people can read it. I would love for you guys to check it out. 
          	The story called Castaways is written and posted by @kokosnoot-vriend and the art and more backstories and side characters is made by @LookItsLink. You would do me a massive favour if you'd just take a look, and perhaps you'll get just as obsessed with the story as I am :). Thank you and have a nice day!


@ hannahbanana053  mostly


Hello! A few months ago, one of my friends started drawing characters based on the people in our friendship group, and then one of my other friends started writing a backstory about them. It turned into a big story and my friend started posting it on Wattpad. It's in Dutch, but is currently being translated so more people can read it. I would love for you guys to check it out. 
          The story called Castaways is written and posted by @kokosnoot-vriend and the art and more backstories and side characters is made by @LookItsLink. You would do me a massive favour if you'd just take a look, and perhaps you'll get just as obsessed with the story as I am :). Thank you and have a nice day!


@ hannahbanana053  mostly