
Hey there readers. I am currently struggling a lot with my mental health related to work. As a result it is harder for me to concentrate enough to write, so chapter releases will be slow. Just don't want anyone to think I dropped off the face of the earth or anything. But I'll still be here, writing and updating when I can! Happy Thursday y'all!


@28Gh0sts Thank you so much for the kind words. :) I have struggled with my mental health for a while, and sometimes certain situations cause it to ramp up for a while and get me in a bad state of mind. But somehow, all of the people in my life, online or otherwise, know exactly what to say to lift up my spirits, even just a little bit. Thank you for being such an amazingly sweet person and taking the time to write this for me. I'm truly so grateful to have met people like you and have you in my writing circle! I will always be here fighting to be better. And of course I will work hard to keep writing. :)


@hannahlizwrites  I'm really sorry to hear about that, I hope you're able to pull through this quickly. Please remember to be kind to yourself if you can't concentrate, and please remember that you're a wonderful human being and should be proud of who you are in regards to your work. I don't know what battles you're fighting right now, and I'm not going to try to pretend to understand you because I don't. I really don't.
          	  But there is one thing I know.
          	  I know that - as someone who writes so personally about brave characters - you understand the mindset they possess. I know that a part of you shares that resilient mindset because how else could you describe it so well? I know that, however hard life is right now, you'll survive and come out the other end with your head held high. I know that if you read between the lines of your own words, you'll see someone who can heal. Someone worth fighting for.
          	  Happy Thursday 


Hey there readers. I am currently struggling a lot with my mental health related to work. As a result it is harder for me to concentrate enough to write, so chapter releases will be slow. Just don't want anyone to think I dropped off the face of the earth or anything. But I'll still be here, writing and updating when I can! Happy Thursday y'all!


@28Gh0sts Thank you so much for the kind words. :) I have struggled with my mental health for a while, and sometimes certain situations cause it to ramp up for a while and get me in a bad state of mind. But somehow, all of the people in my life, online or otherwise, know exactly what to say to lift up my spirits, even just a little bit. Thank you for being such an amazingly sweet person and taking the time to write this for me. I'm truly so grateful to have met people like you and have you in my writing circle! I will always be here fighting to be better. And of course I will work hard to keep writing. :)


@hannahlizwrites  I'm really sorry to hear about that, I hope you're able to pull through this quickly. Please remember to be kind to yourself if you can't concentrate, and please remember that you're a wonderful human being and should be proud of who you are in regards to your work. I don't know what battles you're fighting right now, and I'm not going to try to pretend to understand you because I don't. I really don't.
            But there is one thing I know.
            I know that - as someone who writes so personally about brave characters - you understand the mindset they possess. I know that a part of you shares that resilient mindset because how else could you describe it so well? I know that, however hard life is right now, you'll survive and come out the other end with your head held high. I know that if you read between the lines of your own words, you'll see someone who can heal. Someone worth fighting for.
            Happy Thursday 


Thanck You for the follow<3…❤️


@Alaska_Briney Thank you very much! :)


 Heyy of course :)..