
Oh gosh... just went through all my old messages and posts... i was sooooo weird. And annoying, idk why people even talked to me lmao.


Today i wore a shirt that said free hugs and i must be so popular bc i got TONS of hugs;P GRANT HUGGED ME!!!!!! And it was like a friend hug either it was like a 'im gonna wrap my arms around your waist and almost touch your butt' kinda hug! I like flipped out and i still cant stop smiling!!:)


I feel like i talk about the guy i like 2 much.... lol well i bet ur all DYING 2 c wut he looks like;) lmao but aaanywaaay! U can look him up on youtube! His channel is facebookhater14 lol &&he wants a viral video sooooo...... im basically trying 2 help him:D lol well watch his video 'How to handle mean names' he looks freaking smexii in it;) Lol


I was @ my friends house 2day &&she messaged the guy i likes best friend &&was like "Get Grant online! -Hannah" &&then "HANNAH GET YOUR ARSE OFF MY FB!!" &&he was just like "Lmao his phone broke :/"...... Lol im gonna be so embarassed 2moro!