
So. I'm going to rant a little bit here. I'm currently in the nurse's office, I have irritable bowel syndrome and it's been affecting me all day so far. I was texting my mom, begging her to bring me home. But she said no because I'll get truancy if I miss anymore days of school. And I'm also going to get my phone taken away for begging so much, I'm 100% positive that I annoyed the hell out of my mom. Because she's been ignoring my texts. I asked her to bring me pepdo bismol, and she ignored it. So I'm having a fantastic day. 


If it makes you feel better, my bird said he was a good boy and then bit me. He likes to lie and take pennies from people. 


That doesn’t sound good


So. I'm going to rant a little bit here. I'm currently in the nurse's office, I have irritable bowel syndrome and it's been affecting me all day so far. I was texting my mom, begging her to bring me home. But she said no because I'll get truancy if I miss anymore days of school. And I'm also going to get my phone taken away for begging so much, I'm 100% positive that I annoyed the hell out of my mom. Because she's been ignoring my texts. I asked her to bring me pepdo bismol, and she ignored it. So I'm having a fantastic day. 


If it makes you feel better, my bird said he was a good boy and then bit me. He likes to lie and take pennies from people. 


That doesn’t sound good


I posted my first chapter on my new story called "WE'RE BOTH YOUTUBERS", it is a H2O Delirious fanfiction, and I'm including as many friends in the friend group as possible. Theres some kpop stuff in there as well, if you're into that. To those who read it, I hope you enjoy. 


So. To those who have read my book 'Finally Safe' I'm going to delete it. I absolutely hate the book, it makes me frustrated because I know that I can do better. And I'm questioning my fifteen year old mind sooo much. So I'm going to delete it next Wednesday. I'm giving those who are in the middle of reading it a week to finish before I delete it. And I thank those who enjoy my writing. Now I'm going to be smart and write drafts on my phone and then post it on here when I love it, and not just write nonsense down because I feel like I need to update. And with those books that I start to write, expect very slow updates. 


Hey Hanna, you may not remember me, but it's Kard from the League of Psychis group chat. I know you haven't been active for a while and I hope you're okay.


@KARD_RUMOUR I'm sorry that you had to deal with that, it really sucks. Did you have to deal with it alone? Or was anyone else trying to keep the group together?


@hannaquin08152002 Yeah it’s got pretty bad, everyone was just blaming  each other


@KARD_RUMOUR damn, well that both sucks and is great at the same time. Because I hate drama.


Hey love your stories well ideas really because you never really start finish or update them


@dont-leave-now thank you, I don't finish or update them because I only started because I was bored. I don't even know how to continue them to be honest. I have more ideas, but I wouldn't know how to continue them so I don't do anything with them. 