
@LuminousAbyss  THANK YOU ! 


@hanbanan howya darlin, don't even explain urself to that fuckin idiot,... weed can harm ye... blah blah fuckin blah... my philosophy is good made weed, man made booze, who do you trust!! fyithespiae weed doesn't kill ye,I have yet to hear Off ONE death from weed n I'm 39 ,I'm smokin weed since I was 14 ,n I have to ask why in the name a jaysis are ye readin a story about weed if ure really don't like or understand it??? Seriously like c'mon I'm sittin here SMH, think ye need to have a nice big joint then maybe just maybe ye might make a valid point!! @hanbanan sorry bout me shorthand n the way I write hope ye understand it dholl, (I'm from Dublin Ireland, so I tend to drop letters wen I'm writin in comments n dat<~ see wot I mean... Lol)you jus keep On keepin on darlin lovin ur story so far ;-)


@Lisadholl A little fyi, if I see my username, ye, I'm going to reply. That was only one of the few words I did notice. ig. I couldn't read *half* the words you were saying. I do do research, now. But not because of this little event. It was a year ago, and while she is still wrong (people lace weed when they sell it. Depending on who you get it from, it's not always safe)But yeah. :)


@Thespiae Well then darlin ur not goin to a trust worthy source if they're lacing their stuff with chemicals , weed is a herb a gift from Ghod,I grow me own n I can assure ye I don't "lace" it with anything. Also if ye have researched it you will know there hasn't been 1 death linked to weed not 1 sweetheart!!I'm surprised ye couldn't read what I wrote considering when I write using shorthand I tend to type phonically.. ye know like soundin it out? It's really quite easy to read,I know ur not stupid, at least I don't think ye are,n as I also explained I'm Irish, from Dublin so sometimes I drop letters, like a "g" say at the end of a word so if I type thinkin I obvs mean thinking. I notice in one of. ur replies ye say ye wanna try it I'm gonna offer ye some advice I hope ye take (I'm not being nasty either, I'm trying to be nice because I think ur a khid correct me if I'm wrong) but if ye are gonna try it do it with someone who knows who they're buyin from n who knows what they're buyin n most importantly.... enjoy ur 1st smoke... let me know how ye get on if ye like it I mean. and one more thing... listen to some good Reggae I'd suggest Bob Marley or UB40....  So yeah enjoy darlin n Sláinte (that means good luck/good life/cheers in Irish)  :-)


@Lisadholl I love how I couldn't read half the shite you were saying to me. o_o


@Thespiae Oooh well obvs you could or how could you reply n fyi  have ur breakfast or eat something dholl, ye sound nasty when ur hungry ( I hope that's the problem with all the angst anyway teeheehehehe. Do some research darlin before you spout shite!! Slán anois.. that's Irish for bye now!! just so you understand!!


@Lisadholl I didn't point fingers. I was just saying, if mixed with chemicals weed could be harmful. Now that I'm away from sheltered life, though... I want to smoke it. x'D


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@Thespiae mix it wot, shit sorry I forgot your sooo clever you can't read phonically.. I'll start again... what chemicals would you be mixing with weed.. like seriously fill us in dholl face :-)


@LuminousAbyss  THANK YOU ! 


@hanbanan howya darlin, don't even explain urself to that fuckin idiot,... weed can harm ye... blah blah fuckin blah... my philosophy is good made weed, man made booze, who do you trust!! fyithespiae weed doesn't kill ye,I have yet to hear Off ONE death from weed n I'm 39 ,I'm smokin weed since I was 14 ,n I have to ask why in the name a jaysis are ye readin a story about weed if ure really don't like or understand it??? Seriously like c'mon I'm sittin here SMH, think ye need to have a nice big joint then maybe just maybe ye might make a valid point!! @hanbanan sorry bout me shorthand n the way I write hope ye understand it dholl, (I'm from Dublin Ireland, so I tend to drop letters wen I'm writin in comments n dat<~ see wot I mean... Lol)you jus keep On keepin on darlin lovin ur story so far ;-)


@AmorEtOdium You're ridiculously delusional. Please, PLEASE do proper research before you make an ass out of yourself. Please. If you've listened to anything that you've been told you'd already know that everything you've said is bullshit. Next time, please actually provide some semi-legitimate proof to back up your asinine theory. That would be really awesome. 
          Otherwise, it'd be best if you just stopped. Because everything@hanbanan has said so far has been exactly right. Why do you think they legalized it where I'm from? Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes can do WAY more harm than taking a dried flower and smoking it. 
          So... let's just take a second, and go look up "side effects of Marijuana" on google, and tell me what you think after that. It's an okay thing to open your mind up every once in a while and accept that you're wrong. 
          Have a pleasant day.


@AmorEtOdium you are a fucking idiot CANNABIS DOESN'T HARM ANYBODY !!!! And you know what ? Love can, my fathers fiànce committed suicide due to her adopted family not accepting her love for my father and their resentment towards him. She was so torn because the people she loved couldn't accept her love for my father. So you know what your argument is completely invalid. 
          Cannibis helps with glaucoma 
          Helps relieve migraine headaches
          Helps brain cells 
          Can relieve skin diseases
          Helps ease asthma attacks
          May block epileptic seizures
          Works as a back spasm medicine
          Treats depressionand other mood disorders
          May help emphysema patients breathe easier
          Allieviates pain associated with chemotherapy
          Has successfully reduced tumours beign and malignate
          Can help multiple scerosis patients control spasms
          Can be grown organically without toxic chemicals
          Assists in overcoming insomnia
          Dilates the bronchi to allow more oxygen into the blood
          Helps paraplegic and quadriplegic patients
          May induce antibacterial effects
          Relieves the pain pf arthritis and rhuematism 
          The seeds have essential amino acids in ideal proportions
          Our brain and organs also have THC RECEPTORS SPECIFICALLY FOR CONSUMPTION OF CANNABIS!! 
          LEARN SOMETHING ! 


@hanbanan Yes, I get that, but if taken the wrong way, it can harm the user. And actually, if they need to smoke to make themselves happy, they have serious issues, not to be mean. Will writing about love have a slight chance of death? Nope, never. Will smoking something mixed with chemicals and stuff have a slight chance of dead? Yes. If risking your life in one of the most facepalm worthy ways, so idiotic that a kid would laugh in pity, is how you get happy, that person might need to be sentence to a life in therapy :) But I'll stop arguing, We do have better things to do in life, right? Other than smoking weed that can really harm someone... 


@AmorEtOdium it isn't sad in the slightest if it makes you happy. That's like me saying "oh it's sad that you write passionate stories but don't have a boyfriend" when you simply write to enjoy it and i truely don't know nor care if you have a boyfriend. Have you ever smoked herb before ? 


@hanbanan I thank Ghod that I smoke weed "for the craíc, the fun of it" n not cause I need it to alleviate pain or any other symptoms that may come with havin an illness, actually before me aul Ma died I'd sit with her n share a blunt, she was in her 70's n she said she was ragin she never tried it sooner lol. So smoke on me darlin n keep writin ur brilliant stories,I think U n ur writin are fuckin great dholl face!! Right on. xx