Hai im hannylasy ytjt and this is my new acc coz my old acc has some kind of problems which i couldnt use it anymore and now it doesnt exist anymore.. So thats the reason for my hiatus. sorry for my long hiatus without any notices. Those who support and wait for me, theres nothing i can give u for the appreciation but thanks a lot..u guys encourage me. I wont write anything for now even if i have too many plot in my mind. Its my final exam for this semester next month. Although my dreams become real and its like going to explode. But i advice u guys not to wait for me..okay. My decision can be changed depends on u guys too, maybe i will see it coz i will follow the flow.

@hannylasy akan tulis tpi bkn citer yg awak naksaya xde backup citer tu utk buat balik...sorry

@hannylasy achieve your dream first. Then start la writting sikit sikit. Slow update pun tk apa. Settlekan apa yg ptt dulu. Sy akn stay tunggu buku akk. Hrp dpt sambung baca sbb sy tk habis lgi baca cerita manja hehe