

Hello sorry ganggu izinkan saya promote story kat sini.
          So this is my first story and It's a romantic story about a CEO and a high school girl.
          Anyone who likes romantic stories about ceo can read this story.
          Don't forget to follow and vote, thank you for support my work.
          Thank you
          Lop u


Hello everyone ✨!!
          It's been a longggg time since I'm on hiatus... I miss Wattpad so much :'(
          I'm so busy nowadays cuz I'm working after SPM sambil² tunggu result... And I'm always exhausted :(
          I really need to try my best find my time to focus on Wattpad and tunaikan mana² request yg tak selesai lagi drpd tahun lepas... I'm very sorry  :(((!!!
          SPM result akan keluar pada 16 Jun ni AND I'M SOOOOO TERRIFIED :''''(((((!!! Hope you all doakan saya berjaya mendapat markah yg cemerlang cuz I'm super worry right now :(
          Especially with my Math, Addmath and Chemist :'(
