
hi my new influx of followers :') I hope you guys are liking "just a coincidence" and the other random one-shots I have written! I'm thinking about editing the planned storyline to work with everything that happened the past year, so I'll try and get a chapter up during my winter break! ((I'll also do my best about getting back on tumblr rip))
          	also, i'm really sorry about being so mia...everything has just been piling up with sat/act and ap classes from 11th grade and college apps, ap classes, work, and internship for 12th grade but i really appreciate all of the support you guys are giving \(o u o
          	i'll be back soon enough, I hope you guys will wait for me :')


@hanyyuzu I'm late and just got on wattpad after a long time to see what's up and I saw that you finally updated just a coincedence! I just want to say that I love your work!! Thanks for the update I can't wait for more :) also, good luck with school~


hi my new influx of followers :') I hope you guys are liking "just a coincidence" and the other random one-shots I have written! I'm thinking about editing the planned storyline to work with everything that happened the past year, so I'll try and get a chapter up during my winter break! ((I'll also do my best about getting back on tumblr rip))
          also, i'm really sorry about being so mia...everything has just been piling up with sat/act and ap classes from 11th grade and college apps, ap classes, work, and internship for 12th grade but i really appreciate all of the support you guys are giving \(o u o
          i'll be back soon enough, I hope you guys will wait for me :')


@hanyyuzu I'm late and just got on wattpad after a long time to see what's up and I saw that you finally updated just a coincedence! I just want to say that I love your work!! Thanks for the update I can't wait for more :) also, good luck with school~


hey guys I'm working on rewriting chapter 11 because something happened with the syncing or something, so whatever is up right now was just a chapter summary of what I was planning on writing. sorry I'll make another message when I fix it