Hi, everyone,
This is just a quick message to apologize for my inactivity. School work is piling up and I can barely even find time to sleep.
IF YOU HAVE REQUESTED A COVER- I'm truly sooo sorry for the delay! I have so many other things going on in my life right now, so it's really hard to work on anything else besides the things I absolutely NEED to do (school work, clubs, art projects, etc.) I PROMISE I WILL GET TO THEM SOON, though! I'm sure at least one free weekend would roll around... I also have a 1-week break in mid-May (although I'm hoping to get it done before then.)
I know I also promised to read all my fans' stories, but that has unfortunately been pushed off as well :( But, if you have anything specific you would like me to read when I have time, please post the links below~ I promise I will read them all (soon, I hope.)
Thank you so much for everyone's support. I apologize and I hope you understand...