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Hey, Its been awhile but I wanted to let everyone know that sadly I don't write anymore or at least right now I'm going through alot of emotional stuff right now and trying to find myself but I wanted to say thank you to everyone who read my stuff and who followed me (25k reads on a shit fanfic abt a disney charcter?!) But I hope you guys find your own purpuse in life and contuine doing what you love <3<3<3 Evil Dreams, Haowisgh

@Nightmare_Rebel13 Thank you I never really had any confidence in my writing mainly because I'm not good at making things come through properly I make stories all the time they just never come out in words the same but I am working on that and working on a fic on AO3 in my spare time if you would like to read my stuff over there it is under the same name as this account

@ZeninaD Thank you sm I've mainly moved over to reading on AO3 and I've been working on a fic there in my spare time but thank you smm

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Understand completely. Your fanfics are not shit they’re amazing. Your an amazing writer, whenever your better, please continue writing. Good luck.