
I'm almost done with The Evil Within Us. Well, technically I'm done, but I'm still contemplating if I should leave the story open ended and hanging. Leave it up to the readers to speculate and theorize who is the real suspect. I think I may just do that. This story wasn't really a serious project of mine. It was just something I came up with to confuse people  anyway I hope it was still enjoyable. Took me so long to finish it, but now it's finally complete. THREE CHEERS!
          	But hey, let me know your thoughts. Should I end it there or should I write some sort of epilogue?


@happy_nesss aha! so it does need an epilogue huehue yokai, give me dem points 


@happy_nesss tbh, it can't be considered as an open ending but a cliffhanger. ;-; i would love to give out some points as to why but unya ra kay wa pa kuy ligo hahahaha


I'm almost done with The Evil Within Us. Well, technically I'm done, but I'm still contemplating if I should leave the story open ended and hanging. Leave it up to the readers to speculate and theorize who is the real suspect. I think I may just do that. This story wasn't really a serious project of mine. It was just something I came up with to confuse people  anyway I hope it was still enjoyable. Took me so long to finish it, but now it's finally complete. THREE CHEERS!
          But hey, let me know your thoughts. Should I end it there or should I write some sort of epilogue?


@happy_nesss aha! so it does need an epilogue huehue yokai, give me dem points 


@happy_nesss tbh, it can't be considered as an open ending but a cliffhanger. ;-; i would love to give out some points as to why but unya ra kay wa pa kuy ligo hahahaha


Hey JC! Thanks you so so much for the vote shower on Love came with an Umbrella, Loving Me and Is He A She?! Did you like them?


@Mistalee_ no worries! ^_^ I liked the light and fun vibe of the stories. After being through a lot of emotional books, it was nice to read something that could make me smile and not cry haha. Big ‘ol thumbs up!


Defying the Forbidden is finally coming to an end :) thank you so much to those who took the time to read, comment and vote ilysm :* mwah!


@EksDeeDum Is it going to have a sequel or something?


Which would you prefer? A cliff hanger ending, leaving so many unanswered questions or an all of a sudden end with no resolution, like the author was in a hurry to end the book?


@EksDeeDum Yeh. Well, that's my style.


@chubae so you mean it’s up to the readers to answer all the unanswered questions all by themselves by making their own ending?