
What he says: im fine.                                 What he means: Rick Sanchez attempted suicude in episode three of season two on the animated comedy show rick and morty because his girl friend left him. Rick is an alchoholic and has a catch phrase "wubba lubba dub dub" which means "i am in great pain. Please help me" in bird person. And although his grandson, morty, says that ge says it ironically, ricks alchololism and suicide attempt say otherwise. Is rick really suicidal and depressed or did he realize that he wouldnt have to remember Unity if he killed himself because another rick qould likely takeover? Is wubba lubba dub dub just ironic? Did rick give up on his suicide at the last moment because he remembered morty? Is rick the only rick that cares about morty? I have so manny q u e stion s im fa llin g aparr t ple ase he lp m e w U bba lUbba D u b dU b


What he says: im fine.                                 What he means: Rick Sanchez attempted suicude in episode three of season two on the animated comedy show rick and morty because his girl friend left him. Rick is an alchoholic and has a catch phrase "wubba lubba dub dub" which means "i am in great pain. Please help me" in bird person. And although his grandson, morty, says that ge says it ironically, ricks alchololism and suicide attempt say otherwise. Is rick really suicidal and depressed or did he realize that he wouldnt have to remember Unity if he killed himself because another rick qould likely takeover? Is wubba lubba dub dub just ironic? Did rick give up on his suicide at the last moment because he remembered morty? Is rick the only rick that cares about morty? I have so manny q u e stion s im fa llin g aparr t ple ase he lp m e w U bba lUbba D u b dU b




Hello person.


'ello Kat XD 


@s-atan ah yes hell satan my good fren